
Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Mobile TV Technologies comparison

Saw this new book on Mobile TV "Handbook of Mobile Broadcasting".

Mobile TV has been discussed for long time now but its surprising to see that none of the actual broadcast technologies is being actively used. There are small pockets here and there but no proper deployment. Here is UK, Mobile TV is actually TV on demand which is streamed onto our mobiles. Is it much different in other places? I did write a blog earlier titled '2008 may finally be the year of Mobile TV'.

The book mentioned above gave an interesting comparison of the 4 main technologies which is shown above. I would have liked it to expand it slightly by including DVB-SH and S-DMB.

Finally, heard that ALU trying to do some work on DVB-SH. See this.


  1. Hi

    You can see the books:

    Mobile TV

    Mobile Broadcasting with WiMAX


  2. hi, i think your blog is very informative, esp for research student like me. But can you please adjust the text size? Some of the content appeared small, makes it difficult for me to read. Thank you

  3. Hi Dwade,

    If you are talking about the table, then it is actually an image and if you click on that you should see a bigger version of that.

