The following are the twitter conversations from LTE World Summit 2011. If you use twitter, it would be easy for you to understand them otherwise may be a bit of problem.
Tweets By:
Ajit Jaokar (@AjitJaokar)
Dan Warren (@TMGB)
Dean Bubley (@disruptivedean)
Dimitris Mavrakis (@dmavrakis)
Gabriel Brown (@Gabeuk)
Hamad Al-Marzouk (@dukeq8)
Kris Szaniawski (@kszaniawski)
Mico Naddeo (@kingcharles1666)
Olga Holin (@oholin)
Thomas Wehmeier (@twehmeier)
Zahid Ghadialy (@zahidtg)
17th MAY
@dmavrakis: 3GPP: 200 operators have committed to LTE, fastest adoption cycle in mobile
@dmavrakis: Bart Weijemanrs, MD of T-Mobile NL on stage
@dmavrakis: T-Mobile, TeliaSonera and Orange teaming up to drive device evolution for LTE at 1800MHz in Europe.
@disruptivedean: T-Mo NL speaker at #LTEWS sees network sharing as important. But also flexible to serve diff customers Sharing & flexibility compatible?
@disruptivedean: According to TMo NL speaker WhatsApp apparently got to 70% adoption on NL smartphones in 3 months! No wonder SMS revs fell at KPN.
@disruptivedean: Killing the MB traffic myth. TMo NL at #LTEWS says biggest problem is mass signalling load from simultaneous smartphone users
@dmavrakis: T-Mobile NL: Mobile needs developer guidelines to promote and to understand interdependency between internet and telco worlds
@dmavrakis: T-Mobile NL: spectrum, smartphones, voice, backhaul and seamless user experience between diff networks still need work for LTE
@twehmeier: I wonder if progress on LTE1800 in Europe will be slowed by legal challenges in the same way UMTS900 was hampered in past five years
@disruptivedean: So, who has been fired at operators, vendors or standards bodies for completely missing impact of app signalling when LTE was designed?
@dmavrakis: Common denominator in discussions and presentations so far in #LTEWS: Spectrum is the biggest challenge.
@twehmeier: Funny how the operators talk up the signalling challenge, whilst the vendors seem to think there are *quick* fixes. Quick=pricey?
@twehmeier: If planning to be “most operator-friendly platform” wouldn't you be spending BIIIIG on educating apps devs on being signalling aware?
@TMGB: @twehmeier I've been banging on about signaling aware apps and cross-app update correlation for months. Who do you think should spend big?
@disruptivedean: @TMGB @twehmeier Nobody bothers telling / helping developers to create signalling-lite apps. Or orients user pricing around signalling load.
@TMGB: @disruptivedean handset vendors hold the relationship to the app community and could implement the smarts for 'connect once, update many'
@disruptivedean: @TMGB yes & no. Apple was supposed to be trying but no sign yet. Best approach I've seen is SEVEN's signalling proxy & client in IP stack
@disruptivedean: Seems like consensus LTE1800 is critical for success. 2600 not viable for wide usage, DigDiv not enough capacity. regulator headache
@Gabeuk: If I heard right, T-Mo Netherlands CEO implied 70 percent of domestic smartphone users are using WhatsApp. Wow, that's viral.
@oholin: Nice to see that the focus is on enabling services above single connection technologies
@oholin: Huawei talking about LTE enabled services
@dmavrakis: Huawei believes Pocket WiFi will be a killer application for LTE
@dmavrakis: Huawei also looking at applications focusing on LTE uplink, including video broadcasting for professionals.
@kingcharles1666: Pocket Wifi. Like mifi but faster.
@oholin: Need to check Huawei's numbers on commercially launched networks. They say 20. Don't think that's right
@twehmeier: @oholin Depends on how strict you interpret “commercial launch". A few are technically pre-commercial trials for sure.
@oholin: @twehmeier I guess they should have better used our data though for their purposes 20 seems a better number
@dmavrakis: Seizo Onoe of NTT DoCoMo now on stage to talk about their LTE service called Xi (Crossy)
@dmavrakis: NTT DoCoMo: LTE service launched in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka (Dec 2010) with a phased coverage increase during 2011/2012.
@dmavrakis: NTT DoCoMo decided to share its 2.1GHz spectrum between UMTS and LTE and will deploy LTE at 1.5GHz during 2012.
@oholin: Docomo says spectrum needs to be used more efficiently and shared between technologies. I am a fan of efficiency
@disruptivedean: DoCoMo pitching LTE2100 shared with HSPA2100. Recommends all phones support LTE2100. Use my band & give me scale economies please!
@dmavrakis: Do most operators have enough spectrum at 2.1GHz to implement NTT DoCoMo's suggestion? I.e deploy LTE on existing 3G spectrum
@twehmeier: @dmavrakis Most in Europe have 2x10MHz. Very tough to refarm anytime soon to LTE. 2.1GHz is where all smartphone traffic goes...
@dmavrakis: @twehmeier Very true. Risk of cannibalizing UMTS capacity would scare most operators in Europe.
@dmavrakis: Deploying LTE at 2.1GHz makes sense in Japan, where indoor systems (DAS, tuned for 2.1GHz) are heavily deployed in urban areas
@kingcharles1666: Top tip from NTT: stop evolution of old technology. They will shut off 2G soon!
@TMGB: @kingcharles1666 NTT DOCOMO 2G is PDC, only deployed in Japan. Choice between turning off GSM vs. WCDMA is not so straight forward #LTEWS
@twehmeier: @kingcharles1666 If only operators in Europe had invested to ensure 3G coverage was >or= 2G like DoCoMo.
@TMGB: Tracking all the 'signaling kills the network' type tweets from #LTEWS - someone should make the point that LTE connections are always-on.
@disruptivedean: @TMGB multiple layers of signalling. Eg extra reporting on network quality and QoE from device midcall on volte...
@dmavrakis: @TMGB What about early deployments where devices will roam between LTE and 3G? Apparently HTC Thunderbolt is v aggressive #LTEWS
@TMGB: @dmavrakis if you're on LTE, you have to be connected else there is no signaling path (it's over IP).
@TMGB: @disruptivedean and agree on multiple layers, but is/was the connect/disconnect signaling that caused original problems.
@disruptivedean: No obvious mention anywhere on #LTEWS exhibition floor of SMS over SGs. Does it actually exist?
@dmavrakis: We are back! @informatm's @twehmeier on stage now presenting global survey results of the LTE ecosystem.
@dmavrakis: @twehmeier: 2011 will see LTE deployments to quadruple, but we will have most deployments during 2012
@kszaniawski: @twehmeier on stage presenting global survey results of the LTE ecosystem. 65% respondents set to launch in next 18 months
@dmavrakis: @twehmeier: Core bands emerging for LTE. 800, 1800, 2600MHz each have 15-20% of operator interest
@kszaniawski: @twehmeier on survey results - capacity cited as big driver in LTE survey >interesting as not what we're seeing with early launches
@oholin: @twehmeier talking about the results of first LTE survey
@dmavrakis: @twehmeier: TD-LTE represents a potential new entry into mobile market for greenfield operators and vendors #LTEWS
@kszaniawski: @twehmeier on survey results - 62% think primary solution for voice over LTE will be IMS-based VoIP (VoLTE) not surprisingly
@kszaniawski: @twehmeier on survey results - 58% think LTE will be complementary to fixed broadband. Only 17% think LTE will heavily substitute
@dmavrakis: @twehmeier: Most mobile operators believe LTE and WiFi will coexist and most of them will also need to have a carrier WiFi strategy
@dmavrakis: @twehmeier: 60% of mobile operator respondents believe that small cells will be necessary for LTE. #LTEWS
@disruptivedean: 62% of surveyed MNOs reckon IMS VoLTE will be primary voice tech for LTE. 23% reckon OTT-style, 13% CSFB. Wonder if 2012 will be same
@disruptivedean: LTE smartphones (on 3GPP networks) will need to have Grade-A SMS usability. 2 yrs ago we were told SMS was fixed for LTE. But where is it?
@oholin: @twehmeier: the factor which will have the greatest impact on the growth of LTE maturity: ( customer education) based on survey
@dmavrakis: Verizon's Chris Kimm on stage now to discuss about the role of 4G LTE in Verizon's 2020 network vision.
@dmavrakis: Verizon launched in 38 markets and 60 major airports covering 110 million subscribers during December 2010.
@kszaniawski: Chris Kimm of Verizon - how can I buy everything as a service & not have to commit. This the business opportunity for 4G
@dmavrakis: Verizon expects to enable VoLTE during 2012. Question via @disruptivedean
@disruptivedean: VZ speaker #LTEWS parachuted in from non-US corporate division, not VZW. Little new info. Claims VoLTE still OK for 2012, but also OTT VoIP
@dmavrakis: TeliaSonera's Tommy Ljunggren on stage now to discuss about their experience with LTE.
@oholin: TeliaSonera: trust this technology
@dmavrakis: TeliaSonera reiterates same message as last year on LTE: Mobile operators should stop trialing and start deploying.
@dmavrakis: Valid concern of a multinational operator: TeliaSonera prays that regulators will grant same frequencies to its opcos (800,1800,2600)
@kszaniawski: Tommy Ljunggren of TeliaSonera says need to get momentum going behind initiative for 1800 spectrum band as is most promising for #LTE
@dmavrakis: TeliaSonera aims to harmonize spectrum across its footprint: 900, 1800 (2G); 900, 2100 (3G); 800, 1800 and 2600 (4G) - all MHz
@kszaniawski: Tommy Ljunggren of TeliaSonera says won't offer VoIP for free, you will have to pay for it if you’re not an exclusive subscription
@dmavrakis: TeliaSonera is charging according to volume for MBB: LTE tariff is €60 with 30GB of monthly allowance. HSPA is around €35
@disruptivedean: TeliaSonera intending to charge extra for VoIP on LTE. Good luck with that. Start by defining 'voice' maybe? VPNs, workarounds etc.
@Gabeuk: @disruptivedean he wasn't specific thou. re: carrier VOIP vs OTT VOIP and what would be blocked/charged. No detail at all
@disruptivedean: @Gabeuk I know. His vendors & lawyers must be having fun defining 'voice' vs. 'telephony' vs. 'streamed audio' vs. 'sound' & metadata #LTEWS
@Gabeuk: TeliaSonera exhorting other operators to lauch LTE, but no actual new info or data to make the case.
@dmavrakis: Cameron Rejali of BT Wholesale on stage now to discuss whether the future of mobile is fixed.
@dmavrakis: Welcome everyone to #LTEchat. Live from #LTEWS, during a live panel including mobile operators and @twehmeier.
@dmavrakis: Global roaming argument brought up: 30 spectrum bands standardized by 3GPP so far from a global standard.
@dmavrakis: Consensus is that some harmonization should happen around spectrum. Natural forces rather than industry initiative likely
@dmavrakis: NTT DoCoMo expects that roaming will be an incremental process starting with some key bands
@dmavrakis: TeliaSonera highlights CSFB and VoLTE problem. Operators have some breathing room since most LTE devices are now data only
@dmavrakis: Question to panel: Is the profit potential of LTE credible?
@dmavrakis: TeliaSonera: mobile industry should sort out the roaming business model before switching on LTE.
@dmavrakis: NTT DoCoMo: Not sure whether LTE can allow a new premium revenue stream compared with existing HSPA/HSPA+ networks
@kszaniawski: NTT DoCoMo statement about RoI interesting. How do you assess/measure the business case for LTE network investment?
@dmavrakis: NTT DoCoMo on tsunami warning system (ATW): it's now a necessity and standardization needs to happen quickly
@dmavrakis: TeliaSonera highlights the lack of vision from regulators, so operators bet on all bands since they don't have visibility#
@dmavrakis: Spectrum issues dominate operator panel discussion. Regulators cited as primary culprit.
@kszaniawski: DT more philosophical than TeliaSonera saying that you will see the main bands determining developments altho a lot later
@kszaniawski: Doesn't seem to be much sense of urgency over using VoLTE either. Leisureliness seems to be a bit of a theme at conference
@disruptivedean: Opinion from AM of #LTEWS is negative. Spectrum fragmentation, slow rollout & uptake. And when VoLTE is ready, old telephony mostly obsolete
@twehmeier: Loved Question on iPlayer. Good reminder that this industry can be incredibly insular when you've got head down doing your day job
@twehmeier: Skype's biggest objective is to monetize more users. Strikes me that operators should be able to help them with that. Partnerships time.
@oholin: Not pointing fingers but I call to minimise the use of "ubiquitous" especially since it's used without understanding what it means
@disruptivedean: Stupidest idea of the day at #LTEWS 'email & social network only' data plan. Cue Facebook putting VPN, video & web proxy in next app update
@disruptivedean: Good to hear Ericsson at #LTEWS explicitly describing VoLTE as a *telephony* standard and not a general *voice* app one
@disruptivedean: Spoken to one silicon company at #LTEWS who agrees with me: may see dual-radio LTE + 2G voice phones as alternative to VoLTE or CS fallback
@zahidtg: @disruptivedean I was talking about exactly the same thing with Adrian Scrase in lunch :) #LTEWS. Good option as radios are becoming cheap
@disruptivedean: Unconvincing groupthink about role & control of WiFi by mobile operators at #LTEWS. Needs much better & granular approach to user needs
@disruptivedean: Seems to be a belief at #LTEWS that all smartphone WiFi usage is 'offload'. Industry needs to understand there's many other WiFi use cases
@kszaniawski: Dimitris Mavrakis now speaking at #LTE World Summit about how to reduce the cost of LTE network deployment
@oholin: @dmavrakis presenting now on cost per gigabyte: cost depends on network
@twehmeier: There is no single cost per gigabyte. Varies for every single operator and especially correlated to utilisation, says @dmavrakis
@twehmeier: Come on @dmavrakis, say it, our traffic-led business case found LTE wasn't necessary inUK until 2014. Non-traffic biz case is driver
@oholin: @dmavrakis very practical presentation so far with lots of case studies done by the network cost modelling tool
@kszaniawski: UK LTE vs HSPA case study - @dmavrakis arguing HSPA/HSPA+ will be perfectly capable of handling capacity in the UK in 2015 timeframe
@kszaniawski: Maintaining/installing new sites & backhaul are key determinants of cost in developing markets says @dmavrakis: see Egypt case study
@oholin: Judging by the number of listener's @dmavrakis' cost per gigabyte presentation is right on the money
@oholin: @dmavrakis LTE is just a piece of the puzzle
@kszaniawski: Wi-Fi offload business case is complex - 2015 US market case study shows even passive upgrades need management
@twehmeier: Lots of focus on selling LTE into enterprises at #LTEWS. Greater willingness to pay the premium versus consumers.
@twehmeier: Love the fact that Sprint have done a whole presentation on what they've done with “4G” WiMax so far without mentioning WiMax once!
@twehmeier: Sprint talked abt need to educate developers w/o saying who shd do it. Device OEMs talk it up in their plans, but are they doing it?
@kszaniawski: 4G? “When I use a word” Humpty Dumpty said, “it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less”
@dmavrakis: Sprint saying that network and spectrum needs to be decoupled and networks need to move to software based platforms. #LTEWS
@dmavrakis: Sprint's vision is nice, but cognitive radio is nowhere near market and even today's software upgradable radios have limitations.
@twehmeier: So much spectrum chat. LTE WS 2010 just called-it wants its PPT decks back. Or, spectrum issues got much worse in last 12 months.
@twehmeier: 10 pres down+not a single traffic/revenue scissor slide! What refreshing change! Well done Sabah for laying down law
@oholin: Sad that some vendors still think that LTE is the whole picture and not just a piece in the puzzle
@twehmeier: Who coined hetnet term then? It is everywhere. Spoke to guy at Qualcomm who claimed it from early days of UMB. Any other claims?
@dmavrakis: @twehmeier I think someone from Huawei is claiming it also.
@oholin: Can't believe the term killer app also still in use
@twehmeier: Bengt of Northstream talking sense as always and handing out a lesson in spectrum and licensing history. Audience listening intently
@dmavrakis: Bengt Nordstrom at #LTEWS: Mobile devices take normally 2-3 years to mature to a market ready version. Same with LTE devices.
@zahidtg: Tim Hubbard, BT Wholesale: In January 10 million devices downloaded catchup TV in UK
@gabeuk: Good presentations from Jaime Lluch, Telefonica (small cells) and Tim Hubbard, BT (IP VPNs for mobile operators)
@zahidtg: I heard it many times today in #LTEWS where operators are talking about Coverage Layer (low freq) and capacity layer (high freq)
@zahidtg: #SON will help in Interference management in HetNet's. #LTEWS - I think SON can only help in limited ways for interference management.
@disruptivedean: Can you really call an HSPA subscriber network-limited to 512kbit/s max speed "mobile broadband" subscriber? Don't believe all the stats!
@zahidtg: Trying to get my head around. Panelists said that in Hetnet's, interference problems are less than no Hetnet's. Right?
18th May
@kingcharles1666: Day 2 of the #ltews (@ LTE World Summit)
@disruptivedean: Future of Voice roundtable at #LTEWS went well - thanks to all attendees for good discussion. I'm also doing a Spotlight pres at 11am
@disruptivedean: Interesting debate about dual-radio GSM+LTE phones as LTE voice easy option. Not popular with some network vendors. ZTE is advocate though
@disruptivedean: Lot of debate on Circuit Switched Fallback for LTE Voice. How long are call setup times in real world? User experience for dropped 4G data?
@kingcharles1666: According to vodafone speed is a killer app
@twehmeier: Vodafone Germany has 20,000 customers on its LTE network
@disruptivedean: Vodafone Germany has 20k customers for fixed-wireless LTE800 services. ADSL replacement & also offering own NGN fixed-style VoIP.
@oholin: The "number 1" operator has not got the number 1 presentation!
@oholin: Vodafone and Telefonica say: we want multi-mode devices as soon as possible
@Gabeuk: Few good stats on LTE performance in *loaded* cells from Vodafone Germany CTO at #LTEWS
@disruptivedean: Yota speaker at #LTEWS . Prime example of #happypipe operator. More than 1m users, now transitioning to shared wholesaler for 4 Russian MNOs
@disruptivedean: Yota believes future of telecom is for shared infra owners abstracted from retail operators & app/svcs = Under the Floor players UTF+MNO+OTT
@kszaniawski: Yegor Ivanov of Yota, Russia: justifying wholesale model he says it's no secret that many big operators not yet ready to deploy #LTE
@oholin: Yota - the competitive advantage is how you serve your customer! Let's Yota!
@disruptivedean: No recognition at #LTEWS that phone calls will need varying tiers. Call to important client should have higher QoS vs casual call to friend
@tmgb: PRT @disruptivedean: Call to client should have higher QoS vs call to friend (implies you care about the money more than about your mates?)
@AjitJaokar: @disruptivedean #LTEWS too many people in telco ind cannot ans why people make calls!
@AjitJaokar: @disruptivedean #LTEWS voice going from quality of service to quality of experience
@AjitJaokar: @disruptivedean #LTEWS humans don't interact in 'sessions'
@tmgb: @AjitJaokar agree QoS v QoE - QoS = call gets established and I can hear what is being said, everything else is QoE (@disruptivedean)
@dmavrakis: Getting ready for keynotes at #LTEWS, starting with Barclays capital discussing whether there are too many operators in market
@dmavrakis: LightSquared EVP of ecosystem development is on stage now to present about their disruptive business model
@dmavrakis: LightSquared operates 3 satellites today and will be operating 4 next year when they launch, covering 100% of North America
@dmavrakis: LightSquared will focus on network and service layer while partners on the rest: customer/device mgmt, marketing, distribution
@dukeq8: What an excellent speach ! Wholesale market for LTE is a sheft in the industry!
@twehmeier: LightSquared says will never have over 500 employees. Most telcos count employees in 1000s, many in 10s of 1000s, some 100s of 1000s
@dmavrakis: LightSquared shared surprisingly little information, nothing new.
@twehmeier: MetroPCS has 200,000 LTE connections. Quick back of envelope estimate - I'd say first million subs on LTE globally has been passed
@dmavrakis: @twehmeier Do you think biggest driver of LTE connections today is leap-froging from CDMA to LTE? Including Leap and Verizon
@twehmeier: @dmavrakis Yes, because they were happy to go dual antenna 4 voice and therefore haven't dithered launching handsets. Handsets drive scale
@twehmeier: Did i hear that right? Samsung to launch VoLTE handset in 4Q11 with Cellular South in the US?
@dmavrakis: He confirmed this in Q&A RT @twehmeier: Did i hear that right? Samsung to launch VoLTE handset in 4Q11 with Cellular South in the US?
@dmavrakis: Samsung speaker touting device expertise to drive networks business, including inhouse IOT.
@tmgb: @dmavrakis @twehmeier Samsung/Cell South - oh happiness :-)
@dmavrakis: Patent pool Sisvel's founder will present now on LTE IPR. Lets see if things will be less complicated that 3G
@dmavrakis: Theoretically, LTE IPR will be much more complicated when there will be 3 competing patent pools and bilateral agreements
@dmavrakis: Sisvel's founder mentioned that some meeting is taking place during the #LTEWS to create a new patent pool for LTE.
@dmavrakis: Sisvel: 4000 IPR declarations for LTE/SAE. Interdigital, Qualcomm, Nokia and Samsung leaders (ETSI database March 2011)
@dmavrakis: Interesting statistics for GSM by Sisvel: 561 families declared as essential but only 158 granted as essential
@twehmeier: Interesting analysis patents role in pushing up costs of DVD players. Retail cost in China =$20. Sums of patent licences if all paid=$19.
@kingcharles1666: LOL RT @dukeq8: I'm confused now that I choosed the wrong industry! I should be a lawyer.
@dmavrakis: CTO of CSL Christian Daigneault on stage now to discuss their LTE/DC-HSPA network
@AjitJaokar: #ltews mobile penetration in HK is 160 perc. @tomiahonen is in the right place :)
@twehmeier: Wonder how many infrastructure contracts sweetened by clauses that ops must do conf circuit singing & dancing about vendor's network?
@dmavrakis: CSL claims Hong Kong is highest market for tablets with 17% market penetration. Sweetspot for LTE?
@twehmeier: CSL HK are basically deploying in way many ops wd in ideal situation. 3G@ 2100+900, LTE @ 2.6+1800. Missing piece is LTE sub-1GHz.
@dmavrakis: CSL has a USB modem that supports everything from GSM 900 to DC-HSPA to LTE at 2.6GHz
@kingcharles1666: Very conservative view from FT orange on VoLTE and migration.
@oholin: 5 ITM analysts discussing LTE drivers and trends at the analyst spotlight
@oholin: @dmavrakis: "technology evolves with operator business models"
Please feel free to add comments and suggestions.
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ReplyDeleteEllie, glad you found it useful.