Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Some Pictures from 'The Future of Wireless International Conference' #FWIC

Here are some of the pics from 'The Future of Wireless International Conference' held in Cambridge. Most of the pics are from me using my old BB but some of the pics are crowdsourced from twitter from other attendees.

1. The Marquee where exhibition was held

2. Impressive Small-cells from Picochip

3. Freescale

4. Antenova

5. Qualcomm
Qualcomm was showing their Augmented Reality demo (see this). Finally got to play the game after seeing it on Youtube for such a long time.

6. Steepest Ascent.
I have to agree that WindFi is a really good name.

7. Aeroflex

8. A presentation where Ed-Candy from '3' is speaking

9. Omnisense

10. Arkessa

11. From presentations via Tweets

12. This is the impressive hall of St. John's college in Cambridge (via Nabeel Mardi)

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