Thursday, July 21, 2016

Next Generation SON for 5G

There were quite a few interesting presentations in the recently concluded 5G World conference. One that caught my attention was this presentation by Huawei. SON is often something that is overlooked and is expected to be a part of deployment. The problem is that it is often vendor proprietary and does not work as expected when there is equipment from multiple vendors.

While the 4G SON in theory solves the issues that network face today, 5G SON will have to go much further and work with SDN/NFV and the sliced networks. Its going to be a big challenge and will take many years to get it right.

Here is the Huawei presentation from 5G World:

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Feel free to let me know your thoughts as comments.


HelenDuncan said...

For truly customer experience-driven SON, please also check out CellMining's integrated SON-CEM solution at

Frank Rayal said...

I wonder what the difference is between proactive SON and closed loop SON. Perhaps proactive SON means linking more of the value chain into SON activities. In any case, when I look at many of the 5G discussions, much of the issues and technologies are the same as 4G. It's just a matter of building a framework that better accommodates the implementation of these technologies.

Zahid Ghadialy said...

Hi Frank,

My understanding is that closed-loop SON is reactive. It can be fed advanced information, preparing for some major events like soccer or football which is the proactive approach. While the SON today tends to be more centralized (even when its hybrid), 5G SON would probably be more distributed and would have additional level of granularity for NFV/SDN & Network Slicing but it wont be too different. Just my thoughts!