A presentation (embedded below) by 3GPP RAN3 Chairman - Philippe Reininger - at the IoT Business & Technologies Congress (November 30, in Singapore). Main topics are eMTC, NB-IOT and EC-GSM-IoT as completed in 3GPP Release 13 and enhanced in Release 14. Thanks to Eiko Seidel for sharing the presentation.
RoHC for VoLTE and Cell Coverage
46 minutes ago
can anyone explain why there are 2 different in-band modes of operation for NBiot? In band same vs different PCI - what is the benefit/ use cases for same vs different PCIs?
I posted your question on Twitter, here is the response:
For same-PCI, at least the device can use LTE CRS for channel estimation. From the book => Cellular Internet of Things: Technologies, Standards, and Performance
Thanks but I dont think that answers the Q. Why come up with 2 different inband modes? I am sure there was a specific benefit/use case identified when standardizing...any other input?
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