
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

3GPP TSG RAN and TSG SA Release-19 Workshop Summary

3GPP recently announced the milestone of reaching 100th plenaries of the three Technical Specification Groups (TSGs) in 3GPP which took place in Taipei last week. If you are unsure what TSGs are, we recently made a tutorial of 3GPP, available here.

During the plenary TSG SA and TSG RAN held workshops on Release 19. The top level link for RAN workshop is here while that for SA is here. SA also has HTML link of the documents here.

The slide above is from the RAN chair's summary provides list of topics that were discussed. The following is the executive summary from the draft workshop report:

The 3GPP TSG RAN Rel-19 face-to-face workshop was held June 15 - June 16, 2023 in Taipei hosted by TAICS (Taiwan Association of Information and Communication Standards) and MediaTek with 174 participants (see Annex A) and 491 Tdocs (see Annex B). A GotoWebinar conference call was carried out during the whole workshop to display discussed documents and to allow listen & talk access for people joining remotely.

The workshop agenda was provided in RWS-230001 and split into 3 main parts:

  • High-level overview proposals for Rel-19: 18 Tdocs handled, 46 not treated, 1 in the end endorsed (RP-230488)
  • Specific RAN1/2/3-led Rel-19 topics: 29 Tdocs handled, 369 not treated
  • RAN4-led Rel-19 topics (for information only): 20 not treated

Note: High-level overview proposals for Rel-19 and RAN4-led Rel-19 topics had the restriction of maximum one contribution led per company.

Some guidance about the workshop was provided on the RAN email reflector on 28.04.23 and 02.05.23.

Time plan versions of the workshop were provided on 02.05.23, 11.06.23 and on 15.06.23.

Workshop inputs were possible from 28.04.23 until the submission deadline 31.05.23 9pm UTC.

(Late Tdoc requests as well as revisions of Tdocs after the Tdoc request deadline 30.05.23 9pm UTC were avoided in order to not complicate the Tdoc handling, like quotas for AI 4 and 6, preparations of the workshop in parallel to RAN #100 and preparations of the summary etc.)

Originally, Thursday 15.06.23 and Friday 16.06.23 morning were planned for presentations of a limited set of 47 workshop contributions (selected by the RAN chair trying to achieve a fair coverage of the topics and interests and taking into account that there were many more inputs that can be handled in a 2 days workshop) and Friday afternoon was reserved for the discussion of a summary of the RAN chair (in RWS-230488). Note: Since the presentation part went faster and the Friday lunch break was skipped, the workshop ended on Friday afternoon earlier than originally planned.

Finally, the RAN chair's summary in RWS-230488 was endorsed indicating the motivations and handling of the workshop, the Rel-19 timeline and load plans and the management and categorization of topics.

TSG SA didn't have a summary slide but SWS-230002, output of drafting session on Consolidated SA WG2 Rel-19 Work, listed the following topics:

  • Satellite Architecure Enhancements
  • XRM Enhancements and Metaverse
  • AI/ML enhancements
  • Multi-access (Dual 3GPP + ATSSS Enh)
  • Integrated Sensing and Communication
  • Ambient IoT
  • Energy Efficiency / Energy Saving as a Service
  • IMS and NG_RTC enhancements
  • Edge Computing Enhancements
  • Proximity Services enhancements 
  • TSC/URLLC/TRS enhancements 
  • Network Sharing 
  • User identities + identification of device behind RG/AP
  • 5G Femto 
  • UAS enhancements 
  • VMR Enhancements 
  • UPEAS Enhancements 

Fattesinh Deshmukh has a summary of 3GPP RAN Rel-19 Workshop on LinkedIn here. Nokia has their summary of the workshop here.

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