Wednesday, August 5, 2009

3GPP Demystified

3GPP held a workshop in June called 'The 3GPP Seminar': All you always wanted to know about 3GPP but were too afraid to ask.

The following topics were covered:
  • Introduction to the Third Generation Partnership Project
  • Meetings of the technical groups
  • Writing contributions which count
  • Rules and regulations
  • Following the work
  • Preparation of meetings
    • a guide for chairmen
  • The Work Plan
  • Work Items
  • Numbering scheme for TSs and TRs
  • Drafting and maintaining the Technical Specifications
  • The Drafting Rules
    • 3GPP TR 21.801
  • Change Requests
  • Hints for Getting Results
    • a guide for chairmen
  • Elections and voting
  • Funding
  • Legal

You can download/view the presentations on the 3GPP site:


1 comment:

Garry said...

Brilliant. Really useful for me. Please keep posting more of such articles.