Monday, 30 June 2014

4.5G: Integration of LTE and Wi-Fi networks

With LTE-A getting ready to meet the IMT-Advanced requirements and fulfilling the role of promised '4G', we believe the next phase of evolution before 5G will be successful interworking of LTE and Wi-Fi networks.

This whitepaper (embedded below) explores this feature, we call 4.5G, in detail.

Understanding WLAN offload in cellular networks by Anritsu

We are very thankful to Anritsu for kindly sponsoring this whitepaper. They have their own whitepaper on this topic which is also worth a read, available here.

Let us know what you think about this.


Anonymous said...

Hi Zahid,

The document copy on slide share is corrupt. Could you kindly look into the same?


Zahid Ghadialy said...

Hi Amit,

I checked it on a clean computer and it seems to be fine. Please try again.


Anonymous said...

Hi is there any document are blog for understanding vowifi framework and wfc calling for geolocation