Summary of the interesting announcements and things that happened in the Small Cells World Summit 2012
@lesanto: "small cells are seen as a viable option to meet the demands of exponentially growing networks". even Mongolia is getting into the small cells!
@lesanto: First keynote speaker is Simon Saunders chairman of the Small Cell forum (he's written a LOT of books on the subject...)
@lesanto: I will be quoting Simon Saunders in this style: SS "this is the premier Small Cells event in the world"
@lesanto: SS "the agenda over the next few days is effectively a guide to all the Small Cells issues - a well balanced program"
@lesanto: SS "people often ask which Small Cells event they should go to. I say this one, if you can only do one industry this is it"
@lesanto: Simon Saunders "why is it that Small Cells are a good idea in the first place?"
@lesanto: SS "the more we try to serve the unlimited demand for data with macro cells the more interference we have to deal with"
@lesanto: SS "Small Cell networks help us to serve those data demands without increasing interference"
@lesanto: SS "we founded the Femto Forum in 2007 to answer these challenges"
@lesanto: SS "through hard work we achieved an open architecture for the 3G Femtocells. We highlighted a business case for Femtocells"
@stewartbaines: Simon Saunders: Capacity at limits, pushing Shannon's Law. We need more cells, tighter interference control and cost control
@lesanto: SS "deploying more small cells decreases network interference if managed properly"
@lesanto: SS "it is very heartening to see operators today deploying Femtocells successfully, we're seeing a great deal of maturity"
@thinksmallcell: Operators are finding the cost savings, churn reduction of femtocells to be much better than originally forecast - Simon Saunders
@lesanto: SS "Key attributes of small cells include Scalability, Automated configuration and optimisation..."
@lesanto: SS "we see the need and opportunity to do even more with small cells"
@Ubiquisys: "Our work today is about differentiating the technology to fit different environments"
@lesanto: "60% of operators surveyed consider small cells will be more important to LTE deployments than macrocells"
@LisaGCisco: Chair Simon Saunders highlights the Small Cell Forum work areas that include home, enterprise, metro and rural small cells
@stewartbaines: Simon Saunders: i struggle to find an operator that does not have small cells on their roadmap
@lesanto: go to where you can download the Small Cells Market Status report (free)
@lesanto: Small Cells forum now has 76 technology providers as members
@lesanto: In 2007 commercial deployment of small cells = zero -- now we have 41 operators deploying them commercially, including 9 of top 10
@bmbarnowski: great retrospective on the evolution of the femtocell/smallcell forum by SS … 2007 was a lonely year indeed for femtos ..
@lesanto: small cell deployment was once solely focussed on domestic deployment, now deployment is much broader inc commercial
@lesanto: 3.8 million femtocells deployed commercially worldwide
@Alejandro_Avren: 3.8 million femtocells deployed globally, says simon saunders of the small cell forum
@lesanto: several deployments have reached real scale, such as Sprint : over 600,000 units deployed
@lesanto: there will be more small cells deployed than macrocells by the end of 2012
@lesanto: to summarise : small cells have properly arrived ;0)
@Ubiquisys: By the end of 2012 there will be more Small Cells (6.4m) than Macro Cells
@thinksmallcell: forecast 6.4million small cells by end 2012 = more than all global macrocells all technologies
@lesanto: prediction: 91.9 million small cells will be deployed worldwide by end of 2016
@MarkBLHenry: Simon Saunders: "... The central magic of cellular is spectrum reuse..."
@lesanto: small cells offer a very substantial opportunity to increase capacity in a network
@stewartbaines: Simon Saunders: more small cells (6.4m) than macro (6m) by end of year. 80% all cells will be titchy by 2016 #SCWS2012. I got 2 of them :)
@lesanto: small cells can offer real positive change for the user experience on a 3g network
@lesanto: wi-fi and small cells need integration - they should be deployed in cooperation
@disruptivedean: Survey results at #SCWS2012 about coexistence & integration of Small Cells & WiFi point to wishful & unrealistic thinking about #HetNets
@lesanto: we see the opportunity for a deeper integration of small cells and wifi
@disruptivedean: Just had further evidence about slow/misguided focus of Carrier WiFi. WBA announced a trial of NGH WiFi starting Q4 #TooSlow
@lesanto: 2011 Small Cells Forum published small cell APIs
@Ubiquisys: The two overriding themes of @SmallCell_Forum's work are: a) Open and b) Multi-technology
@disruptivedean: My summary of intro at #SCWS2012: Good move shifting from femto to broader small-cells. Looking bright for LTE. Unconvinced by WiFi pitch
@lesanto: "Vodafone's strategy is to drive Small Cells from a customer needs perspective"
@lesanto: products such a Vodafone's 'sure signal' need to be plug and play, easy to install and use
@SmallCell_Forum: 3.8 million femtocells deployed globally today #SCWS2012. Market status report now at:
@lesanto: Vodafone are now running a trial of commercial small cells in Germany with great feedback already
@thinksmallcell: Vodafone to launch enterprise femtocells in Germany 2013. Good feedback from trials so far
@lesanto: data is becoming continually more important to customers, and they also want less wires and network devices in their homes
@thinksmallcell: Vodafone showcasing new FemtoPlug - embedded femtocell into a small mains plug. 8 calls 21Mb/s. Sagemcom and ALU suppliers.
@lesanto: enterprise customers are a very important segment of Vodafone's femtocell proposition - they want easy integration into their IT
@danieldotfox: Wow. The new Sure Signal product from #Vodafone looks amazing. Well thought out consumer proposition. Nice!
@SmallCell_Forum: Vodafone announces femtoplug: tiny femtocell with ethernet over mains. To be launched in existing markets 'within weeks'.
@disruptivedean: Liking the new "femtoplug" products announced by Vodafone. Very neat residential femto integrated into electric plug.
@lesanto: Present speaker, Alan Law, Technical Lead for femtocells, Vodafone Group...
@lesanto: "where do you put small cells? How can we determine where the hot spots are? Fortunately there are tools available to help here"
@lesanto: "geolocation tools can also be exploited for network quality improvements"
@Ubiquisys: "Geolocation can be used to identify traffic hotspots"
@lesanto: "Vodafone have gained essential experience on how to address challenges with public access small cells for many environments"
@lesanto: "the availability of multi-technology small cells eases deployment"
@lesanto: "accelerate availability of multi-technology small cells to reduce the number of site boxes required to ease deployment"
@lesanto: "it not just about network cover and quality - it is also about driving new services and revenue growth"
@lesanto: Next speaker : Sebastien Pham Programme Manager New Products Vodafone New Zealand.
@LisaGCisco: Vodafone's Alan Law underscores importance of Iuh standard to accelerate small cell market adoption
@lesanto: Vodafone NZ faces the challenge of a relatively large area with a relatively low number of users.
@lesanto: 4.8 million mobile subscribers in 2011 in New Zealand - 97% 3g coverage (vodafone) - rural broadband is very challenging
@lesanto: Vodafone deploying small cells in homes in NZ, but their Sure Signal will only work on Vodafone's own DSL network.
@lesanto: watching a video on how small cells can help you make better mobile calls at home : are you hanging out a window to get a single?
@stewartbaines: Femtos bring broadband to rural communities in NZ:
@lesanto: plug in a Sure Signal small cell box into your DSL and suddenly you can make mobile calls from anywhere in the house!#sorted!
@stewartbaines: No more driving testing: use geolocation tools to identify traffic not-spots. Vodafone at #SCWS2012 #smallcells
@lesanto: Next vid: a small business in NZ in a building known as the bunker - thick concrete and steel walls = poor mobile reception!
@disruptivedean: Ironic that Small Cell industry finally getting enterprise proposition right, at same time that #BYOD drives #BYOSP in businesses
@lesanto: yep, you've guessed it : they plug in a Sure Signal small cell and their mobiles all work - even inside the bunker ;0)
@stewartbaines: @katebo Orange is doing a prez on it's enterprise femtocell strategy at#SCWS2012. Will grab a post for Connecting Technology blog
@danieldotfox: Small Cell feedback via, from customers: It's life changing! We all need and depend on mobiles... Food for thought!
@lesanto: small cells were deployed during the Feb 2011 Christchurch earthquake to replace broken macro cells in certain essential areas
@Ubiquisys: Femtocells have been used in disaster situations for emergency coverage, such as the Christchurch earthquake
@vodafoneNZ: @Ubiquisys Our network team did incredible work for Chch #eqnz. Used creative tools including the Truck
@lesanto: new speaker : Emmanuel Adnot International Strategy Manager at Orange...
@lesanto: Orange Group had $45bn turnover in 2011
@lesanto: talking about : How Femtocells support Orange's B2B strategy...
@lesanto: "coverage needs in enterprise markets are niche" Emmanuel Adnot, Orange (EA)
@lesanto: "10% of B2B customers have indoor mobile reception issues that effect their business"
@lesanto: "10% is a niche but it still represents a significant market"
@lesanto: "45% of those connectivity issues are suffered in basement or storeroom situations" EA
@lesanto: "80% of customers suffering local connectivity issues are ready to move to an operator offering a solution to the problem"
@lesanto: "small cells are part of the B2B indoor coverage strategy" EA
@lesanto: "30% of B2B users are using smartphones - but that share is growing massively"
@lesanto: small b2b customers need both wi-fi and small cell solutions to answer their connectivity issues
@lesanto: "small cell installation reduced churn by almost 50% where connectivity had previously been an issue"
@lesanto: "B2B customers suffering indoor connectivity problems are ready to pay for small cell solutions"
@lesanto: "Orange will launch small cell solutions to the UK market in summer 2012"
@danieldotfox: In Portugal, #Orange cam charge over €1000 for a B2B femto. Wow.
@stewartbaines: Orange study: 80% of business customers ready to churn if their coverage issues are not addressed. #SCWS2012. Similar to Alcatel research...
@SmallCell_Forum: Orange: PT, FR, Romania B2B femtocells launched, 2 more countries to be launched (UK, Be) by end 2012 #scws2012 plus Poland next year
@stewartbaines: Small cells can be basis for location-based services. Stop the dumb pipe!
@lesanto: "what's next? Femtocell as a service for small operations..
@lesanto: "what's next: femtocell and other techs within a small cell - leverage indoor coverage solution for location based services"
@Ubiquisys: What's next for B2B femtocell solutions? Here's @orange's outlook

@lesanto: why are Orange concentrating on B2B for small cells? Could it be the cost? I can't see many consumers paying $1500 a pop!
@lesanto: but Orange haven't ruled out bringing small cells to the consumer...
@dmavrakis: Orange believes that SMBs that have coverage problems are willing to pay €1500 for an access point.
@stewartbaines: Orange France enterprise femtos cost 1500 euros. But you do get a visit from an engineer. I thought they were plug & play?
@lesanto: next speaker : Martin Guthrie - head of business development - NEC
@lesanto: MG "small cells are beautiful"
@lesanto: "the world is getting smaller, so are macro cells"
@lesanto: "smaller and smaller cell sizes are an inevitability along with the technical and cost benefits they bring"
@lesanto: " many small cells advantages : better coverage, greater capacity gain, higher density coverage"
@lesanto: "business case benefits of small cells are not fully understood"
@Ubiquisys: The elephant in the small cells room is dichotomy between vendors: "look at our tech" & operators: "how can we make money?" @NEC
@lesanto: "benefits: reduced customer churn : increased customer acquisition : reduced cost of new macro deployment : "
@lesanto: " more benefits: leverage presence of mobile operator in the home : Increased ARPU "
@Ubiquisys: "Integration with operators' existing network and system is key" @NEC
@lesanto: technical and marketing support is essential when deploying small cells - choose your vendor carefully!
@lesanto: "make sure that your small cell solutions use advanced & adaptive radio management technologies that won't interfere with macro"
@lesanto: Next speaker : Mark Gallagher Principle Engineer, Cisco
@lesanto: "mass adoption of the mobile internet is going on right now - scaling to meet this demand is the challenge"
@Ubiquisys: The next speaker is Mark Gallagher of @CiscoSystems "Defining the New Normal"
@small_cells: "usage patterns in mobile internet are as important as the size of use"
@disruptivedean: Watching Cisco at #SCWS2012 . Think that it's underestimating % of smartphone data that goes via WiFi, only small % of which is offload
@small_cells: "network densification is required : small cell development = highly dense topologies"
@Ubiquisys: "Network densification is required. Small cell deployment = highly dense topologies" @CiscoSystems
@small_cells: "you must use all the spectrum assets available to you"
@small_cells: globally available data sources can be incorporated into RF planning tools to give a clear picture of where to add small cells
@small_cells: "you need a simple, scaleable small cell solution that's properly managed"
@small_cells: "there is significant revenue potential in the small cell business model" -- think beyond simply making savings
@small_cells: "Small cells really are the new norm"
@Ubiquisys: London hotspots map shows usage, including tweets & Flickr photos, identifies small cell deployment locations.
@Ubiquisys: Small cells future built around growing penetration of mobile internet. Take learnings from adjacent markets.
@Lance_Hiley: #ciscosystems shows geolocation tool to identify potential #smallcellsdeployment locations using #flicker and #twitter uploads
@small_cells: "small cells are splitting into two categories : capacity and coverage"
@small_cells: "how can we cope with the data tsunami that's coming at us?"
@small_cells: "the cost difference between a small cell and a macro is large"
@Ubiquisys: Joe Madden of Mobile Experts on Small cell economics and time-to-market
@small_cells: "with data growth doubling every year you really need to plan ahead to cope"
@Ubiquisys: Data growth in US will not be uniform. Most data is consumed in downtown metro areas.
@small_cells: "imagine if it was your job to find sites for 28,000 new macro masts per year to cope with data demand!"
@Ubiquisys: Balanced solution = towers in the rural areas, picocells in urban areas.
@stewartbaines: Joe Madden: It worries me that operators are talking small cells only for LTE. You need a balance (small + macro)
@lesanto: "operators are not keeping up with the data curve, I don't see them spending enough capital to keep up with demand"
@lesanto: "I think we're going to fall behind data demand in a serious way in 2015/2016"
@Ubiquisys: Operators won't be able to keep up with data demand. Be ready to ship millions of picocells in next few years.
@lesanto: "when customers want to use more data than they can get we'll have unhappy customers and that means churn"
@disruptivedean: HIghly questionable supply/demand curve at #SCWS2012 that doesn't cover impact of pricing & policy management constraining "demand"
@lesanto: "those unhappy customers will force operators to make choices they hadn't previously wanted to make for economic reasons"
@stewartbaines: Joe Madden: be ready to ship millions of small cells, whether cheapest or not, by 2015
@lesanto: "we are projecting high numbers of small cells because of time-to-Market issues..."
@lesanto: The #London2012 olympics throws up a real challenge for mobile operators - small cells are already installed for the event.
@danieldotfox: #O2UK has 100 small cells within the London area.
@Ubiquisys: Currently on stage, Robert Joyce of Telefonica. Case study: delivering small cells into the heart of central London
@SmallCell_Forum: O2 says "small cells are the only way" for future capacity, even factoring on extra spectrum and LTE-A.
@lesanto: "2g hotspots aren't in the same place as 3g hotspots so replacing existing 2g small cells for 3g cells won't always bring results"
@danieldotfox: #O2UK really like 'open' femto cells. Interesting!
@lesanto: O2 bid on access to street furniture, street lamps etc, in order to use them to provide wi-fi and small cells
@lesanto: BUT, once O2 had the poles they discovered the councils wanted planning permission for each and every lamppost installation...
@stewartbaines: O2: 400 individual planning applications required to deploy metro wifi in Kensington and Westminster. Ouch!
@lesanto: O2 also had to considerer the form factor of the installations, London lampposts are not suitable for big set upis!
@lesanto: O2's London network is fed both 'over the street' and 'under it' - using a mix of masts, cells and fibre...
@lesanto: O2's mobile network plan for London aims to serve a Gig per Km2
@lesanto: O2 have 12 access points for mobile in Trafalgar Square alone
@lesanto: You lot should see just how complex serving mobile to the streets of London is. Remember this next time you complain about signal
@lesanto: Olympic village buildings are clad in aluminium for heat retention - this also locks out mobile signals!
@lesanto: the result is the Olympic village has become probably the densest installation of small cells anywhere...
@SmallCell_Forum: O2 have deployed 1200 femtos in a in an apartment block for some 'very healthy people' (!) in London for this summer
@lesanto: O2 want to use their Olympic experience to roll out small cells elsewhere - but say the price has to come down!
@joelpagot: @wendyzajack nice pic! #smallcells also come in "green" (low-power mobile devices)
@Ubiquisys: Here's a prototype solar powered small cell. Interesting concept.
@joelpagot: @Ubiquisys Good example for #GreenICT #smallcells big impact: more capacity for less
@SmallCell_Forum: After announcements by O2 and Orange today, is UK first market in world where all operators have publically announced femtocells?
@thinksmallcell: O2 deployed 1Gb/s per square kilometre capacity onstreet 3G/WiFi in London using Small Cells - believe will meet forecast demand
@Lance_Hiley: Telefonica's Rob Joyce forecasts 1Gb/s per km #backhaul requirement for London #smallcells by 2015.
@disruptivedean: @Lance_Hiley Quite astonishing to think that 1sq km use of mobile data in 2015 is only equivalent of a single FTTH broadband cnxn
@markc_reed: “@thinksmallcell: O2 deployed 1Gb/s per square kilometre capacity in London using Small demand #SCWS2012” what about install & bhaul cost?
@lesanto: Manish Singh CTO of Radisys is now on the stand
@Ubiquisys: @radisys: Over the next three years, which sources of disruption will have the greatest impact on mobile operators?
@disruptivedean: Radisys survey at #SCWS2012 shows operators still think "good user experience" = seamless WiFi authentication & handover. Very wrong indeed
@Ubiquisys: You need a portfolio of products to address different segments. Requirements are evolving, so flexibility is a must. @radisys
@thinksmallcell: 46% of operators surveyed said logistics and deployment model were barriers to rapid small cell rollout - Radisys survey
@danieldotfox: #O2UK state that 1Gbit per square kilometer is needed for sufficient outdoor data capacity within 2015 timeframe. Crikey.
@Ubiquisys: NGMN Alliance's Julius Robson is talking about small cell specific backhaul requirements
@lesanto: The relentless growth of data consumption - can we handle it? via @small_cells
@Ubiquisys: Deployment prerequisites for small cell deployment: unserved demand, suitable site, backhaul connectivity #NGMN
@Ubiquisys: Small cell devices are more visible than macros and need to be small, light, touch safe and tamper proof
@stewartbaines: Wilson Street post from #SCWS2012: Orange or Vodafone taking best approach to femtos? -
@lesanto: Somewhat technical this presso... not eminently tweetable see "security of LTE backhauling" white paper by ngmn -
@Ubiquisys: Small cell backhaul connections are viewed as untrusted and may need IPsec encryption
@lesanto: "backhaul is a key enabler for small cells, but there is uncertainty around which solutions are suitable"
@Ubiquisys: Backhaul white paper is available at
@lesanto: The streets of London are paved with small cells #SCWS2012 via @small_cells
@Lance_Hiley: Availability of #smallcells can be relaxed in hotspot deployment scenario says Julius Robson, editor of @ngmn_alliance Whitepaper
@lesanto: since the show started this morning we have seen 5% growth in the industry as two major mobile operators have adopted small cells
@SmallCell_Forum: France & UK first countries globally where all mobile operators have announced femtocells.
@lesanto: majority of South Koreans using LTE networks by 2014
@lesanto: South Korea enjoys one of the highest adoptions of high speed networks in the world
@lesanto: SK telecom launched the world's first LTE + wi-fi femtocell network in 2011
@lesanto: SK telecom is preparing for the PETA byte era - which is next year! 1 PETA = 10 to the power of 15 bytes.
@stewartbaines: @lesanto Key thing about the petabyte era, is SK Telecom will has 1 petabyte PER DAY on their mobile network.
@lesanto: Small cells can provide extended coverage at lower cost
@lesanto: "For interference mitigation in small cell deployment, a central interference management system is being developed"
@Ubiquisys: Nick Karter of @qualcomm will now talk about the convergence of 3G, 4G and wifi
@lesanto: "the growth in data traffic is outstripping the ability to put new spectrum on the market" (say it again)
@lesanto: "there is an increase in operator provided wi-fi"
@lesanto: "wi-fi is already a small cell but without all the features you expect from a mobile network"
@lesanto: "Hotspot 2.0 - converging the wi-fi and cellular networks"
@lesanto: "people use cellular primarily for email and facebook, while they use wi-fi for youtube"
@lesanto: "optimising power consumption is critical when combining so many functions into one box"
@lesanto: "you need a good application processor to manage the network efficiently"
@lesanto: providing mobile data is extremely complex - it's a typical swan swimming scenario, serene above the surface, mad action below it.
@Ubiquisys: Need for RF coordination with coexistence of Wi-Fi and LTE. Optimising power limitation is critical. @qualcomm
@lesanto: "security is obviously very critical to a mobile network"
@lesanto: "Hotspot 2.0 - the mission is to make wi-fi connectivity (of mobile devices) as seamless and easy as cellular"
@danieldotfox: The #Qualcomm approach to multiradio/multi spectrum type access points looks good. Mixed in with Hotspot 2.0. Smart thinking.
@Ubiquisys: Manish Gupta of Symmetricomm: Timing and synchronisation for small cells
@Ubiquisys: Small cells defined: Residential, Enterprise, Metro. What is the distinction?
@Ubiquisys: Panel discussion coming up at #SCWS2012: Backhaul challenges for small cell deployment
@Ubiquisys: Rural environment small cell deployments vary wildly. Any data connection is better than zero in many remote areas
@lesanto: rain can degrade mobile network performance. They call it 'rain fade' - #WhoKnew? see:
@LisaGCisco: Multi-operator white label small cells might be a solution to the complexity and cost of multiple public small cell networks
@Ubiquisys: "GPS is great, but make sure you have a back up" #SCWS2012 panel
Day 1 Summaries:
@Ubiquisys: First speaker this morning : Matthew D Brown, Marketing Product Manager, Femtocell, Optus Australia
@lesanto: Matthew Brown Marketing Product Manager Femtocell, Optus Aus. "delivering femtocells to market isn't just about technical aspects"
@stewartbaines: Optus: coverage is still the massive factor in acquisition and retention in Australia
@small_cells: Matthew is treating us to a case study on marketing femtocells to the challenging Australian mobile market
@small_cells: "we decided to include the additional benefit of unlimited calls in a femtocell tariff"
@LisaGCisco: Optus 3G Home Zone provides a value add with unlimited calling according to Optus Product Manager Matthew Brown
@small_cells: Optus consumer marketing video promises 5 bars of mobile signal and unlimited calls - a dual message
@small_cells: Optus marketing strategy was to lead strongly with coverage message and value proposition of tariff
@SmallCell_Forum: Optus Australia: unlimited femtocell voice calls cheaper than a latte
@small_cells: "we managed to mitigate the negative effect of it seeming like they were paying for coverage, hence the unlimited calls package"
@small_cells: "our initial commercial pilots taught us about the big challenge of integrating the femtocell with a variety of different modems"
@small_cells: "this product needs a seamless deployment, it must just plug and play - the consumer is short of patience with set up"
@stewartbaines: Optus: key to residential femto success...5 bar coverage AND differentiated (free standard national) calling from home
@small_cells: Optus have a lot of useful experience with consumer femtocell deployment, it's well worth learning the lessons they've learned!
@stewartbaines: I never realized my femto should be 1m away from my WiFi. You learn something new everyday!
@small_cells: "customers really enjoy the benefit of the connectivity, they absolutely love it - the challenge is how to price that service"
@small_cells: Great presentation from Matthew, lots of useful practical information from the Optus femtocell experience
@stewartbaines: Optus: next steps is presence-based apps and further differentiated pricing.
@stewartbaines: Optus: we're looking for presence-based apps/services for femtos. Anyone got a case study?
@small_cells: next speaker : Xiaojia Liu, Deputy General, Manager of Technology, China Unicom
@small_cells: "wireless network evolution is ongoing"
@small_cells: "more than 40 launches of the LTE network and 200 more commitments"
@small_cells: "LTE-A requires a 1gbs downlink"
@small_cells: "limited coverage of macro sites will become a very big problem"
@small_cells: Service Development Trends: Phones once used for voice call and SMS - now various uses and services including HD TV.
@Ubiquisys: As smartphone use grows, user habits have changed. There are now billions of 'always-on' customers
@small_cells: "40 - 60% mobile calls taking place indoors" leading to connectivity and capacity issues
@small_cells: "densely populated areas lead to more interference between installed femtocells requiring better interference handling technology"
@small_cells: "two deployment scenarios: Hotspot scenario and rural scenario - both requiring different solutions"
@Ubiquisys: Dense scenario is more suited to #China. Need a flexible, intelligent interfence coordination method #Chinacom
@small_cells: "main objective scenario : coverage (for) holes and hotspots"
@small_cells: "one objective of small cells is to minimise CAPEX and OPEX"
@Ubiquisys: Broadband resource, cost per unit and construction complexity should be taken into account in deployment #Chinacom
@small_cells: "small cells seem more flexible and give more choices for operator deployment"
@small_cells: "small cells bring more: higher capacity, better micro-offload, enhanced user experience"
@small_cells: "with small cells we can do more"
@stewartbaines: Is China Unicom suggesting handover between individual HeNBs?
@MarcianoGilbert: China Unicom: 2 small cells rollout scénario: Hotspot (close, semiopen, open for M2M use) & rural; Wifi + Cellular in tandem.
@Ubiquisys: Operators could provided new types of revenue-generating services in small cell development
@SmallCell_Forum: China Unicom: Small Cell Forum has important role in standardisation, comms, cooperation and IoT testing for small cell evolution
@LisaGCisco: Xiao Han China Unicom underscores key role of Small Cell Forum in increasing industry adoption through standardization and IOT
@MarcianoGilbert: China Unicom 10 provinces for precommercial network in small cells #ALU @SmallCell_Forum @Alcatel_Lucent
@lesanto: *very* detailed presentation from China Unicom - hope the slides are available for careful study later...
@SmallCell_Forum: China Unicom: X2 interface is a key component for managing interference in LTE: welcomes news that SCF is working on X2 interop
@small_cells: Next speaker: Mike Schabel - VP LightRadio, Alcatel-Lucent "Metro Cell : Thinking outside the box"
@small_cells: MS "I'd like to share our experiences with introducing LightRadio"
@small_cells: "there is a lot to extract from spectral efficiency - 1x or 2x capacity improvement"
@small_cells: "operators continue to lobby for more spectrum, including adding wi-fi"
@small_cells: "but we really need to look at spatial efficiency - outdoor metro cells are a part of that efficiency"
@stewartbaines: ALU: spectral efficiency can get 1.5x more capacity. Spatial efficiency can get 10x more capacity
@small_cells: we'll have an expanded number of nodes, as many as tens of thousands - and they could be anywhere
@small_cells: "but the box is probably the smallest part of the picture that needs to be solved"
@small_cells: "we have recognised just how important the beyond the box solution is"
@small_cells: "there's a large number of deployment challenges that need to be solved"
@small_cells: "ecosystem partners are likely to change, the whole value chain is up for grabs again"
@small_cells: "we need to talk about the box, I can't escape talking about the box"
@small_cells: it's important that the box is modular to meet the challenges of multiple deployments
@small_cells: "the box is in the public eye so we focussed on the look of the box"
@small_cells: "everything but the kitchen sink has to go into this box"
@small_cells: "you have to be careful about the design of the box, pay attention to details like heat dissipation"
@thinksmallcell: ALU 70% data traffic offload is the tipping point for commercial viability of a dedicated small cell carrier.
@thinksmallcell: ALU recapping that spatial efficiency (small cells) essential to meet forecast capacity growth of 25x
@stewartbaines: No silver bullet for metrocell backhaul. "I can't keep up" says Schnabel, ALU. Need every possible option
@thinksmallcell: ALU forecast 10x growth in cellsites for metro cells. OPEX more significant than CAPEX
@thinksmallcell: ALU explaining MetroDock - pluggable radio cards for compact metrocell. Is this the "radio blade server" for city lampposts?
@small_cells: "Backhaul : No silver bullet - requires comprehensive options"
@stewartbaines: If you can hang a Christmas light, can you really hang a metrocell?
@small_cells: "Site selection: no longer about RF positioning. Need to balance site availability, power, and backhaul"
@thinksmallcell: ALU claim to have automated design tool balancing RF location, backhaul and power for commercially viable best fit for#metrocells
@Alejandro_Avren: ALUH site acquisition major challenge for metrocell deployment..scramble has already begun
@small_cells: "what's not practical is to find an ideal site with no backhaul, that won't solve the problem"
@small_cells: "installation & commissioning a massive challenge, must design the product to make it easy to install without high-skilled labour"
@small_cells: "we have been going through and learning a tremendous amount of lessons with LightRadio"
@thinksmallcell: ALU saying they fully support X2 interface which would facilitate multivendor #HetNets
@small_cells: Next speaker : Will Franks CTO and co-founder of Ubiquisys
@small_cells: "smart cells is a hot topic in the industry"
@small_cells: "small cells serve 4 locations : Home : Enterprise : Urban : Rural "
@small_cells: "data wasn't the original driving factor it was voice quality and capacity"
@small_cells: "Now we are in the post data revolution era"
@small_cells: "we talk about metro cells on lampposts but 70% of mobile data is consumed indoors"
@stewartbaines: Ubiquisys: enterprises femtos are 1/4 cost of picos and DAS. Good news as most enterprises don't have DAS or picos due to cost
@small_cells: "rural backhaul is very costly, femto based technology with satellite backhaul speeds up rural deployment"
@small_cells: "small cells - a 7.7billion dollar opportunity!"
@small_cells: "one of the great things about metro indoor is there are a lot of sites - the real hotspots are indoor"
@small_cells: "50,000 public access small cells deployed - 200,000 open access femtocells deployed"
@Ubiquisys: Will Franks: Ubiquisys has 50k metro indoor small cells deployed around the world, mostly in Asia
@small_cells: "example Metro indoor hotspots stats: 90% of phones are smartphones : data to voice ratio is 10:1 : 10,000 data session in 24 hrs
@small_cells: "data dominated by chatty smartphone apps - signalling procedures per UE in busy hour - up to 50 users"
@Ubiquisys: Will Franks: traffic is dominated by data/signalling. Data is dominated by chatty smartphone apps. Users are highly transient.
@small_cells: "transient users - ave 7 mins in cell - different profile to wi-fi users who tend to dwell longer"
@small_cells: "cafe hotspot : people get their coffee and immediately fire up their browser or social network"
@small_cells: 'Map' of cafe hotspot cell usage shows data data data - lots of chatter but very little talking!
@Ubiquisys: Will Franks: small cells cover specific areas where traffic is heavily correlated
@small_cells: "challenges are not data use but cell overload, camp-on attempts, data vs signalling"
@small_cells: "our aim is zero touch deployment, making it as simple and as hands off as possible"
@Ubiquisys: Will Franks: The challenge for public access hotspots is no longer about headline data rates or call capacity
@small_cells: "hotspot robustness : these cells are 100% utilised in busy times and have to be able to manage themselves"
@small_cells: "smart cells are about extending the cloud to the edge of the network"
@small_cells: "why smart cells : it's about user experience"
@small_cells: "smart cells provide high-speed, short-range signal with low contention"
@small_cells: "Ubiquisys teamed up with Intel to put a comms-tuned compute platform in a small cell to make a smart cell"
@small_cells: "there are no standards issues with smart cells at all"
@Ubiquisys: Will Franks: Smart cells = small cell + hi spec server + clever apps
@small_cells: "proactive and predictive cache used to cut backhaul traffic - improves user experience"
@theshipster: Ubiquisys Will Franks: In Japan, small cells, with satellite backhaul, take rural coverage deployment time from 1 yr to 1 day
@small_cells: "more smart cell applications: cellular - wi-fi policy management : video / ad server : CDN clients : "
@Ubiquisys: With proactive smart cell caching, first play of a video plays from cloud, subsequent of same file play from cache
@small_cells: "small cells come in many flavours : home femtocells, enterprise small cells, metro indoor, metro outdoor and rural"
@Ubiquisys: Smart cells: optimise end UX, optimise backhaul performance, offer new edge cloud apps for service products
@MarcianoGilbert: Colt on stage promoting new business model managed femto services or How MVNO can distribute femto as a service
@Ubiquisys: Femto as a Service (FaaS) from a fixed service provider can accelerate deployment in buildings. Len Schuch of Colt
@small_cells: "enterprises have to embrace BYOD and Colt certainly are"
@Ubiquisys: FaaS opens the door for more mobile operators to deploy small cells
@small_cells: "demand and supply - don't believe the data crunch is a myth"
@small_cells: "near-time data growth has exceeded the value of last years Cisco VNI analysis"
@small_cells: "it's not just background data and email it is about delivering QoS"
@small_cells: "by 2016, 70% of data will be video"
@small_cells: "it's not 75kbps per sub spread over 6h it's 10Mbps per sub in 30s bursts"
@small_cells: "you can deliver high quality with low throughput but as soon as throughput increases you loose QoS"
@small_cells: "it's generally the backhaul which is the limit to throughout..."
@MarcianoGilbert: New thermodynamic demo on stage . After PV=NRT you have macro + small cell * hetnet = high QoS*high throughput
@Ubiquisys: Here's a slide visualising that smart cell proactive caching capability
@thinksmallcell: ip.access say X.2 interface isn't sufficient for purpose today. It needs to be for true multi vendor #HetNets
@small_cells: Speaker now is Hiroyuki Hosono Radio Access Network Development Dept at NTT DoCoMo
@small_cells: NTT DoCoMo already rolling out LTE products
@small_cells: by last March 30% Japanese population could access LTE, that'll be up to 70% by end of 2012!
@Alejandro_Avren: By end of 2012, NTT will cover 70% of population with LTE coverage
@small_cells: Japan will have almost total LTE coverage by end 2014
@small_cells: NTT DeCoMo have already signed up 2.2 million LTE subscribers and expect to hit 10m by end of 1q 2013.
@small_cells: "NTT DeCoMo see two main advantages for LTE femtocells : expanded coverage and traffic offload"
@small_cells: "approx 12 x data growth expected between 2011 & 2015 - we need to satisfy that future traffic demand"
@small_cells: "we will develop femtocell networks to help meet future data demand" NTT DeCoMo
@thinksmallcell: NTT DoCoMo forecast 12x mobile data traffic growth between 2011-2015. LTE #femtocells essential
@small_cells: "we may limit data speed of heavy users" NTT DeCoMo
@Alejandro_Avren: BH Telecom: more smart phones sold last year than PCs
@small_cells: "in 2011 more smartphones than PCs were sold"
@Ubiquisys: The number of smartphones sold exceeded PCs last year. In a few years the no of smartphones will dwarf PCs. #BHTelecom
@Ubiquisys: We are watching Adnan Hatalasevic talking about business solutions and synergy design for small cells and Wi-Fi
@small_cells: Next speaker Steve Price, Gen Manager, Comms and Infrastructure division, Intel
@small_cells: "I'd like to talk about building intelligence into the overall network"
@small_cells: watching a 'what happens in one internet minute video' ....
@small_cells: "mix of social networking and mobile users has changed the way we work and socialise. Now think ahead to 2015"
@stewartbaines: Here is that Intel internet minute infographic:
@small_cells: "what kind of network do we need for 2015 when there will be twice as many connected mobile devices as today?
@small_cells: "if done correctly you can increase revenue and decrease operating expenses"
@small_cells: "small cell base stations redefine HetNet economics"
@small_cells: "what is a smart cell? All small cells have some intelligence but now we are taking Intel's datacentre skills to the operator"
@small_cells: "the consumer with a mobile intelligent device can upload as much as he downloads, networks have to be symmetrical"
@small_cells: "we believe smart cells need massive storage abilities and high performance CPUs"
@small_cells: "smart small cells allow you to take advantage of value added services and offer better user experience"
@small_cells: "putting intelligence in a device increases cost, so we wanted to determine the economic benefits of smart small cells"
@small_cells: "we found there was a reduction in network operating costs of 22% when using smart cells, mainly from backhaul savings"
@Ubiquisys: Smart cells are more expensive than standard small cells, but fewer are needed to accomplish the same results @intel
@small_cells: "Summary business case findings: Improvements are seen in OpEx savings, specifically, in network OpEx"
@small_cells: "smart cells help with operator bottom line, beyond capacity and coverage"
@small_cells: "local caching and filtering eliminates peak hours overload"
@Ubiquisys: Conclusion: Smart Cells help with operator bottom line, beyond capacity and coverage @intel
@small_cells: we are in the midsts of a very exciting time in mobile comms - and the smart small cell is a key aspect of this revolution
@small_cells: "even Moore's law can't keep up with where the networks are going"
@small_cells: "silicon alone can't solve the thirst for bandwidth"
@Ubiquisys: Doug Pulley of @mindspeed is now talking about small cell architecture for RAN evolution
@small_cells: Next speaker : Doug Pulley - CTO Wireless, Wireless Business Unit - MindSpeed
@small_cells: "Small Cell Networks - Taking the strain - how many small cells to cover London - or the world!"
@small_cells: "Cell Traffic Dimensioning - what does it really take to overwhelm a cell?"
@small_cells: "internet video will be driving much of future mobile data traffic"
@small_cells: "is there a busy hour? most reports show traffic usage is fairly constant from 8-8"
@small_cells: "people are consuming data via multiple devices, my kids use three simultaneously - I don't know how they do it!"
@small_cells: Mindspeed's study suggests a London wide small cell network with over 71,000 base stations --- and 19 million needed worldwide!
@thinksmallcell: Mindspeed research study estimates global need for 19,059,612 small cells globally to meet Cisco VNI data traffic forecast
@small_cells: "all this detail helps specify and build the best small cell SoC solutions"
@small_cells: Next speaker is Viraj Abhayawardhana Specialist Strategy at BT talking about backhaul...
@small_cells: "BT provides fixed backhaul to all major mobile operators in the UK"
@small_cells: "BT Openzone has the biggest WiFi footprint in the UK. 16 wireless cities in the UK. 4 million UK hotspots"
@small_cells: "BT investing £2.5b extending fibre infrastructure close to home"
@small_cells: "Small Cells: How to identify sites, how to acquire sites, how to manage sites cost effectively, how to manage teams & field force
@small_cells: "street lamps came out top for small cell location"
@small_cells: "to reduce backhaul we must reuse as much capability as possible so we must try to leverage the fibre roll out"
@small_cells: "backhaul isn't just about access it's all about integrating, building an end to end OSS is a significant cost"
@SmallCell_Forum: BT: "Comedy and small cells: it's all about the timing"
@small_cells: "small cells have challenges in sites, backhaul and power - and costs have to come down"
@small_cells: "to solve backhaul problems, end to end service delivery and maintenance should be considered"
@Ubiquisys: Now in the conference room: OMA and @SmallCell_Forum cooperation - new enablers for new enhanced apps, from @telecomitaliaTw
@Ubiquisys: Digital use case at home: The Home wakes up and is aware of owners' presence, and gets adaptive to them! @telecomitaliaTw
@Ubiquisys: Shopping mall use case: Device tells you "Your favourite green ties today discounted" @telecomitaliaTw
@Ubiquisys: Now up at #SCWS2012, Yoav Volloch from @Broadcom: 3G/4G/5G multi RAT small cells
@Ubiquisys: Licensed vs Unlicensed: LTE enjoys better frequency bands, while Wi-Fi supports carrier aggregation @broadcom
@Ubiquisys: Broadcom believes a small cell is a multi RAT access point that manages the entire spectrum over a given cell range
@Ubiquisys: The business model for open access femtocells can be the same as ‘selling power to the grid’ @Broadcom
@Ubiquisys: Small cell solutions were born due to the practical need to increase 3G license spectrum capacity @broadcom
@Ubiquisys: Small cells are not low cost Macro cells; they have their own personality@Broadcom
@Ubiquisys: The final session of the day - a panel on new technologies reshaping the business case for small cells
@Ubiquisys: We get very hung up on presence + location aspect, but a valuable app is getting flat-rated local calls in coverage area
@stewartbaines: should enterprises get free at-desk mobile calls if they have a femto? And what of PBX integration?
@stewartbaines: Operators should think of the commercial value of presence & location from small cells
@Ubiquisys: @SmallCell_Forum asked consumers 'what apps would you pay for?’ Many were excited about having a home phone network
@Ubiquisys: #SCWS2012 in pictures - Is that you I see?
Day 2 summary blogs
Small Cell Forum 2012 Award Winners
Day 3
@small_cells: First Speaker - Andy Sutton, Principal Network Engineer at Everything, Everywhere.
@small_cells: "small cells could be interpreted as anything non-macrocell"
@small_cells: "two different scenarios : capacity or coverage?"
@small_cells: "Femto provides in-building coverage for voice services"
@small_cells: "Public Access external small cells for capacity"
@small_cells: "we anticipate supporting voice as well as data on our public access small and pico cells"
@small_cells: "we're likely to see an improvement in spectral efficiency"
@small_cells: "if we deploy a 3g solution today we want to see an evolution path to LTE"
@small_cells: "on average we look at small cells costing 1/10th the cost of a macro"
@small_cells: "key performance indicators should ideally be the same as the macro network"
@small_cells: "you could open a new area of coverage and this is a different scenario to simply adding capacity to an existing hotspot"
@small_cells: "small cells are a game changer in terms of how we architect networks"
@small_cells: "both LoS and NLoS have a part to play in small cell backhaul"
@small_cells: "backhaul could be fully integrated with macro network or completely decoupled with an overlay (underlay) solution"
@small_cells: "we will see small cells rolled out in volume to support mobile network evolution"
@small_cells: "small cell sites must have a very low TCO in the region of 10% of that associated with macro sites"
@small_cells: "several backhaul solutions will be required to meet all likely deployment scenarios"
@small_cells: "reducing latency could be a significant battleground in the LTE market"
@small_cells: Yoshihito Shimazaki Deputy Division Head, from Softbank
@small_cells: Yoshito will talk to us about the status of LTE small cells
@small_cells: "in Japan data usage is crazy"
@thinksmallcell: everything everywhere say 3G metro cells will gain real traction during 2013. Expects dual carrier 3G before LTE
@small_cells: "What is the key to mobile market up-growth -- Market share : ARPU improvement : Market Value Improvement "
@small_cells: "four competition elements to win: 1 Network 2 service 3 charge rate 4 customer service "
@small_cells: "number of Softbank base stations: 190,000 -- excluding home femtocells"
@small_cells: "by May 2012 Softbank had deployed 121,850 home femtocells, the figure continues to rise"
@small_cells: very dense deployment of small cells in metropolitan Tokyo
@small_cells: "outdoor cell sites cannot cover all indoor areas in downtown Tokyo"
@small_cells: "femto to macro handover is very important to indoor"
@thinksmallcell: SoftBank almost completed trial of handover from inbuilding Femto to macrocell. Improved abnormal call drop rate by 3.5%
@small_cells: "we got the number one tv commercial by deploying the white dog"
@small_cells: "smartphone data traffic is 10X more than a feature phone"
@small_cells: "mobile network traffic will grow 12X from FY2010 to FY2016"
@small_cells: "Tokyo data use is very crazy, I can't believe it"
@stewartbaines: SoftBank: mobile distribution in Japan. Check out the Tokyo spike
@small_cells: "we are deploying a multi-layer cell architecture"
@small_cells: "we need a very strong co-operative interface coordination"
@small_cells: current speaker : Jang Ahn Kwon Chief Marketing Officer & VP, Contela Inc.
@thinksmallcell: korea has >50% smartphones, 7M LTE subs today, 14M by end 2012. Competition is fierce
@thinksmallcell: LTE congestion in Korea came sooner than expected
@small_cells: "home small cell needs to be dual mode to support 3G and LTE for legacy handsets"
@thinksmallcell: Korea residential femtocells need to be dual mode 3G and LTE say Contela. Not everyone in a family will have LTE handsets
@thinksmallcell: Contela achieved 60Mbps downlink and 25Mbps uplink performance on their LTE femtocell field trials
@small_cells: Current speaker : Jie Zhang - Ranplan "small cell deployment in heterogeneous networks"
@small_cells: Fascinating coverage mapping slides from Jie Zhang - graphically illustrating coverage benefits of small cell deployment
@small_cells: "Intelligent Cell Optimisation (ICO) shows where small cells should be located"
@disruptivedean: After listening to comments at #SCWS2012 , I think that some forms of carrier WiFi will make sense outdoors. But indoor proposition trickier
@small_cells: it seems European homes are better at blocking mobile signals that US homes...
@small_cells: "providing better coverage throughout the entire home gets the whole family on the operator's plan"
@small_cells: "does it work? does it really offer long lasting value to the subscriber and operator"
@small_cells: current speaker is "Michiel Lotter, VP of Engineering Nextivity Inc.
@small_cells: "95% of customers who installed cel-fi remained with operator (as opposed to churning away)"
@small_cells: "50% of mobile users worldwide don't have access to broadband, meaning femtos are not an option"
@small_cells: Next speaker: Andy Germano Vice Chairman Small cell Forum
@small_cells: "why small cell service? 5 bar indoor coverage"
@small_cells: "small cells allow for application sweetspot"
@small_cells: "small cells can help deliver the intelligent home"
@small_cells: "small cell networks can help deliver location based services"
@small_cells: "small cells enable shopping 2.0"
@small_cells: "8 different demos of small cell enabled apps going on at recent small cell forum"
@small_cells: "consumers want small cell services and are willing to pay"
@Alejandro_Avren: Sunrise Switzerland now on the main stage, presenting their project status on their femtocell deployment
@small_cells: "Sunrise is under pressure to constantly add capacity, enhance the user experience, & keep a lid on total cost of ownership"
@Alejandro_Avren: Sunrise: 16 time data usage increase expected by 2017, doubling every year until 2014!!
@small_cells: "avoid problems- avoid low price users eating up too much capacity : maximise utilisation of spectrum : deploy smart wi-fi offload
@small_cells: "the congested 3g cell rate is increasing whereas the footprint of the congested cells remains the same"
@small_cells: "demanding environmental factors in Switzerland will favour the use of small cells"
@small_cells: "Sunrise will continue to use the femto and is ready for wide-spread deployment"
@small_cells: "main purpose: to deliver cost efficient object special coverage to compliment macro base station portfolio"
@small_cells: Sunrise will "continue to use femto as a retention and business enabler tool"
@small_cells: "fair use policies reduce levels of data use growth temporarily but they cannot reverse the skyrocketing demand for mobile data"
@small_cells: "small cells vendors need to support SON for HetNet as well as an effective small cells management"
@small_cells: next speaker: Jean-Christophe Nanan, RF systems engineer at Freescale - small cells call for scaleable architecture
@small_cells: Final speaker is Joseph Byre Analyst at the Linley Group
@small_cells: "Mobile bandwidth is increasing"
@small_cells: UK is depressingly blue on a map showing LTE enabled areas in red :0(
@small_cells: "funding for bandwidth increases and alternatives is decreasing, pressuring OEMs and Chip Cos."
@small_cells: "ARPU rising only 3%"
@small_cells: "Base station costs falling from $40K"
@small_cells: "Moore's Law enables cost reduction but heats up competition among chip companies"
@small_cells: "to defend or capture share, chip companies are rushing in to supply base station processors"
@small_cells: "the opportunity for system vendors is an opportunity for chip factors"
@small_cells: "markets tend to ramp later than expected but ramps tend to be bigger than forecast"
@small_cells: "market drivers for femtocells are problematical"
@small_cells: "shipment growth has only just begun - enough data to define a trend?"
@small_cells: "vague plans by major operators to deploy"
@small_cells: "causes for concern - technology dynamics: ..."
@thinksmallcell: NEC's outdoor metrocell. Looks pretty solid and durable to me. Believed to be Ubiquisys technology inside.
Day 3 Roundups
FINAL Roundups
Thanks to all those who tweeted and made this article possible. Credit to the following people
@lesanto = Glenn Le Santo
@stewartbaines = Stewart Baines
@thinksmallcell = David Chambers
@Ubiquisys = Keith Day
@LisaGCisco = Lisa Garza
@bmbarnowski = Barney Barnowski
@Alejandro_Avren = Alejandro Piñero
@MarkBLHenry = Mark Henry
@disruptivedean = Dean Bubley
@SmallCell_Forum = Small Cell Forum
@danieldotfox = Daniel Fox
@vodafoneNZ = Vodafone New Zealand
@dmavrakis = Dimitris Mavrakis
@small_cells = Small Cells
@Lance_Hiley = Lance Hiley
@joelpagot = Joel Pagot
@markc_reed = Mark Reed
@MarcianoGilbert = Gilbert Marciano
@theshipster = Steve Shipley
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