Wednesday 22 May 2024

Real-world Deployment of Digital Twin and Private Cellular at St Pancras Railway Station

PAULEY are a dynamic UK-based SME at the forefront of the exciting emerging market in big data and interactive tools for business. Pioneers in Spatial Computing, our specialist team are working with clients operating in key industries and sectors including transport, safety critical industries and the education and training sector, to embed innovative digital technology into their business processes.

At Athonet's Uptime 2022 conference, Phil Pauley, CEO at Pauley Interactive, spoke about real-life deployment of Digital Twin and Private Cellular at St Pancras railway station. His talk is embedded below:

There is another playlist shared on PAULEY's YouTube channel that us embedded below:

You can read more about their work with HS2 here.

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Monday 6 May 2024

6G and Other 3GPP Logos

The Project Coordination Group (PCG) of 3GPP recently approved a new logo for use on specifications for 6G, during their 52nd PCG meeting, hosted by ATIS in Reston, Virginia. As with previous logos, surely people in general will use them not just for 3GPP 6G compliant products, but for all kinds of things.

Over the years many people have reached out to me to ask for 3GPP logos, even though they are available publicly. All 3GPP logos, from 3G to 6G is available in the Marcoms directory here. In addition to the logo, each directory also lists guidance for use of the logos. For example, 3GPP does not allow the use of the logo as shown on the left in the image on top of the post while the one on the right is okay.

Surely there isn't an issue for general use but for anyone wishing to use the logos for their products, equipment, documentation or books, they will have to strictly comply with the rules.

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