Thursday 7 May 2009

Why SMS are 160 characters long?

If you have ever wondered about the 160 character limitation on traditional text messages, you might be glad to know that it wasn't an arbitrary figure that was plucked out of thin air.

In figuring out the number of characters to be allocated for text messages, alone in a room in his home in Bonn, Germany, Friedhelm Hillebrand sat at his typewriter, tapping out random sentences and questions on a sheet of paper.

As he went along, Hillebrand counted the number of letters, numbers, punctuation marks and spaces on the page. Each blurb ran on for a line or two and nearly always clocked in under 160 characters.

That became Hillebrand's magic number and set the standard for one of today's most popular forms of digital communication: text messaging.

"This is perfectly sufficient," he recalled thinking during that epiphany of 1985, when he was 45 years old. "Perfectly sufficient."

The whole purpose of the SMS was that the messages to be short and precise towards the communication. Also the communications researcher realized that because of tight bandwidth constraints of the wireless networks at the time each message would have to be as short as possible.

Before his typewriter experiment, Hillebrand had an argument with a friend about whether 160 characters provided enough space to communicate most thoughts. "My friend said this was impossible for the mass market," Hillebrand said. "I was more optimistic."

How true he was towards all his optimism when text messaging has become the prevalent form of mobile communication worldwide. The biggest youth market of the world i.e India at the moment are sending more text messages than making calls on their cellphones.

Texting has been a boon for telecomms which lead the generation of healthy revenue for the operators where they can easily charge the customers some 20 to 25 cents a message.

Todays mobile phones offcourse are capable of transparently spreading a lengthier message across multiple text messages albeit at a higher cost to customers on most mobile phone plans.

Agilent in a three-pronged attack over LTE

Agilent have decided to launch an all-out attack with the view of proving themselves leaders of LTE technology.

Firstly, they released an LTE book just yesterday. The book will now be competing with four other very popular books on LTE already in the market. I managed to get an early preview of the book and I wasn't very impressed. There are nevertheless some sections which are very well written, containing unique information.

Secondly, Agilent are running some MIMO workshops and have released some very good presentations on MIMO on the web. You can download the material from the workshop here.

Finally, Agilent Technologies are to present three technical sessions at 2009 Informa LTE World Summit. Here is an extract from the press release:

Agilent Technologies has announced it will present three technical sessions and exhibit its LTE test application solutions at the fifth Informa LTE World Summit, Berlin, Germany, May 18-20. Agilent will exhibit its design-automation tools and flexible instrumentation for early LTE R&D design in components, base-station equipment and mobile devices.

The technical sessions are:
* MIMO Mia! -- What the Standards Didn't Tell You about MIMO;
* Honey, Who Shrunk My Mega Bits -- Practical Tips on Measuring Application Throughput in the Real World; and
* Doing Less with Moore - Challenges and Opportunities for Future Standards.

Agilent will exhibit its design-automation tools and flexible instrumentation for early LTE R&D design in components, base-station equipment and mobile devices.

The landscape is changing rapidly in mobile communications, combined with the challenges in global economies, yet LTE clearly is gaining momentum, said Benoit Neel, vice president and general manager of Agilent's Europe, Middle East and Africa field operations. Agilent remains fully committed to providing test solutions for the entire LTE development lifecycle -- from early RF and protocol development to conformance test and comprehensive, real-time network optimization and diagnostics.

Session highlights of Doing Less with Moore - Challenges and Opportunities for Future Standards, an LTE Summit workshop track on standardization presented by Moray Rumney, include:
* Examining trends in standardization
* Growing fragmentation and complexity, diminishing returns
* The growing gap between conformance testing and real life operation
* Opportunities for standards in an uncertain world
* Integration of macrocell and small cell technology
* Can femtocells do it all or do we need Wi-Fi

I am going to be there and am hoping to give youll detailed information on the event.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Is 'Toilet Locator' the next killer App?

I blogged earlier that Westminster city council in London using 'SatLav' service to guide you to nearest loo. Now according to news item The Daily Telegraph, UK, The trials and tribulations of searching for the nearest public toilet have been eliminated in Japan – with the launch of mobile phone software guiding users to the nearest lavatories.

The Check A Toilet programme, created by the software company Access Co, enables mobile phone users to search for maps highlighting the nearest public lavatory to their location.

From train stations and beaches to department stores and parks, the software lists thousands of maps highlighting the location of public lavatories, including details of their facilities such as baby changing areas, according to reports in Mainichi Daily News.

Users of the mobile lavatory locator are able to upload the free software from the Check A Toilet website whose lavatory location database stretches across Japan, from Tokyo to the northern city of Sapporo.

The software reflects the continually growing importance of mobile phones in every day life in Japan, home to the largest mobile phone market in the world.

Buying groceries, paying for train tickets and reserving cinema tickets are among a string of increasingly popular uses for mobile phones, 50 million of which are sold in Japan every year.

The Check a Toilet Widget, developed in cooperation with NPO Check, who created the toilet map, is a free download available for phones running Windows Mobile or Symbian S60. Entering your location in the search window brings up a map with the local lavatories indexed by number, with successive clicks revealing whether they are equipped for baby-changing or are barrier-free.

Finding toilets is a very important activity as I am sure everyone must have had a bad day when they need to go to one but cant seem to find one. There are many different ways in which local governments and application developers worldwide are trying to solve this important proble ;)

In Beijing (China), there are electronic maps at all public places with flashing lights showing public toilets. Beijing holds the world record for most public toilets in a city. Australian government has created a National Public Toilet map that can also be easily accessed via mobiles. In New York, USA, Diaroogle is serving as a premier toilet search engine. Have2P is a 'Restroom Locator and Everyday Lifesaver' app on iPhone.

Any more you know of? Feel free to add in the comments.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

The smartphones war

In the past week there has been a lot of development in the filed of smartphones. Telecomm giants especially in America are gearing up for a fight to launch the best phones in the market.

Apple, Verizon wireless, Microsoft etc are all contributing to the rumours that will shape up the Smartphone future. First came a report in USA Today that Apple was considering making a CDMA version of the iPhone for Verizon. Then, "people familiar with the matter" told BusinessWeek that Apple and Verizon were actually working on an "iPhone Lite" and a WiFi-capable media pad, whatever that may be. Then, word leaked to Wall Street Journal that Microsoft and Verizon were in talks to create a new touch screen Smartphone, codenamed "Pink," that would directly compete with the iPhone. Sounds bit confusing isn’t it?

Last year has been all about Apple and it’s iPhone. Apple made a healthy profit thus beating the recession all thanks to the iphone. There is no doubt however that Apple is not resting on it’s laurels and is already the process of designing i-Phone like products in connection with Verizon.
As far as the Microsoft possible product, I'm with Morgan Keegan analyst Tavis McCourt on what the rumours mean. Microsoft regularly develops new iterations of its Windows Mobile platform, and has promised touch screen devices running on Windows Mobile 6.5 sometime late this year. The Microsoft-Verizon talks probably relate to one of these devices. And if the leak came from Microsoft, it does indeed say lot about how much the recent iPhone talk has Microsoft worried.

Although Apple has exclusive agreement with AT&T Mobility regarding the iPhone but as long is it doesn’t violate the agreement, I assume it's free to do whatever it wishes regarding other products that take advantage of wireless services. There are also some rumours that Apple is developing a CDMA version of the iPhone together with Verizon once the carrier switches to LTE 2010 or 2011, which is when AT&T's exclusive agreement for the iPhone is set to expire. If this rumour is true then I must say Apple is all set for i-Phonesque type of LTE devices as well.
So what is true and what is rumour? My guess is that Apple may need AT&T's 3G HSPA technology for the reach it wants, but it also knows AT&T needs the iPhone to keep growing its wireless data revenues. Verizon may be happy to play along with the ruse and get into AT&T's head a little bit.

Apple, AT&T and Verizon are usually pretty tight-lipped about most announcements. Throughout all of this, Apple and AT&T have maintained that their relationship is strong and that nothing has changed. Verizon too has remained mum. Let’s hope that this idle chatter will die down soon and hence we will know more.

However all doesn’t end here when it’s rumoured as per report in Wall Street Journal that Microsoft is in discussions with Verizon Wireless to produce a touch screen multimedia phone running its Windows Mobile platform as a rival to Apple's iPhone.

The device, which is code-named "Pink," will have additional software capabilities and feature Microsoft's Windows Marketplace for Mobile, according to the Journal, which cited unnamed sources familiar with the matter. A third party is expected to actually produce the hardware for the phone.

I think it’s going to be interesting and I can see only consumers coming out as winners in this war of smartphones.

Sunday 3 May 2009

mHealth and keeping fit Apps for Blackberry

From Brian Dolan, Mobile Health news:

When Fraser Edward joined Research In Motion (the company behind BlackBerry) four years ago, the device maker had only three partners for mobile healthcare applications, Edward said during a panel session at the American Telemedicine Association in Las Vegas. Today, Edward is RIM’s business manager of market development for Health & Life Sciences, and the company has 30 healthcare applications in its recently launched BlackBerry App World store.

During his presentation, Edward showed a slide of 12 mobile health companies that are “BlackBerry Solutions Partners,” which means they are clients of RIM to take advantage of the company’s marketing channels, developer know-how and more. Here’s a rundown of the 12 companies Edward counted as Solutions Partners and the mHealth buckets he put them in:


AllSportGPS — powered by Trimble — GPS-enabled mobile application for coaching on cycling, mountain biking, running, walking and other sports activities.

BonesInMotion – GPS-enabled app targeting those participating in outdoor activity 3 or more times a week: fitness walking, running, cycling, hiking, mountain biking, GeoCaching, and other outdoor activities.

BodyMedia – Wearable, “fashionable” body monitors that record and transmit a variety of physiological data to the BodyMedia’s website.

Healthy Lifestyle

Myca - Enables nutrition professionals connect with their clients through video consults, messaging, a personalized website, and a picture food journal.

Sensei - Makes mobile health applications for a wide variety of handsets, but most recently launched a couple of iPhone applications, including one for diabetics.

Personal Health Records

Tolven - Open source healthcare solutions developer of PHRs, clinician health records and health informatics.

CapMed - Offers PHRs for families to keep track of their own health data.

Corporate Wellness/Chronic Disease Management

t+Medical - Offers disease management and remote monitoring services that work with most mobile phones and also does some work with clinical trial management.

Medtronic - Develops medical devices and services to help people better manage chronic diseases.

Healthanywhere - Offers applications that let users monitor their health from a smartphone, PC or from a “dedicated Healthanywhere supplied platform.”

Confidant - Provides a mobile-phone based service that includes feedback, coaching and context to a patient’s chronic disease management routine, while simplifying and automating the flow of information between patients and their healthcare providers.

RIM also partners with chipmaker AMD for Corporate Wellness and Chronic Disease management.

More healthcare/fitness apps for Blackberry can be seen here.

Saturday 2 May 2009

Mobile Healthcare: EpiSurveyor saving lives

DataDyne's EpiSurveyor program, funded by the United Nations Foundation and the Vodafone Foundation, has been implementing mobile technology to track and contain disease in developing nations since 2007.

In a recent and potentially devastating
polio outbreak in Kenya, EpiSurveyor's new mobile platform was used to track virus carriers and immunize affected children. The campaign targeted around 2 million Kenyan children. Mobile tech will be used exclusively for new nationwide initiatives in children's healthcare, and the World Health Organization has made EpiSurveyor the standard for data collection in sub-Saharan Africa. Screenshots and video included below.

"mHealth" is a recent term for medical and public health practice supported by mobile devices, such as mobile phones, PDAs, and other wireless devices, especially in areas where Internet access via computers is lacking. Related programs allow health officials to quickly gather and assess data regardless of location or access to more traditional resources, permitting immediate mobile response to health crises. Users can create forms, view records, and share data with others.

The EpiSurveyor program began using donated Palm Pilots to gather health data in Kenya and Zambia less than two years ago. Currently, DataDyne is migrating the program to Java-based platforms for mobile phones. Beta testing began in April 2009 with Nokia S40 series devices and will expand to support other devices in May.

There's an interesting and rather basic tutorial video for field workers
here which demonstrates some of the uses of EpiSurveyor's data collection tools. Much more interesting is this video, an interview with an EpiSurveyor mobile developer in Kenya who had been working through the night to prepare a stack of phones for data collection in the field:

Datadyne founder, pediatrician and CDC epidemiologist Dr. Joel Selanikio, also recently won this year's $100,000 Lemelson-MIT Award for Sustainability for his contributions to public health and international development.

Friday 1 May 2009

Mobile Healthcare: More on TeleHealth

There are some major developments going on in the field of Mobile/Wireless healthcare. Sometime back I happen to attend a lecture organised by IET Berkshire where Prof. Lionel Tarassenko gave an overview of what developments are going on in this area. Unfortunately I could not get hold of the presentation but there is enough info on the web about it.

Vodafone has been field-testing neurosurgical telemedicine applications using third generation (3G) technology in Germany. Scientists in Denmark have successfully used text messaging to collect diary data from asthma patients in a pilot study to determine whether increased remote support improves clinical outcomes. Previous studies using home PCs to send the same diary information proved disappointing, with users rejecting the application after a short while.

Researchers from the Norwegian Centre for Telemedicine in Tromso studied parent-child interaction using a mobile and wireless system for blood glucose monitoring, and concluded that, whether or not the health outcome is improved as a result, the peace of mind provided by such a system may make it a commercial proposition.

In Finland, Medixine has been promoting home care by integrating diagnostics and patient diaries before sending results via a PC based web-link to health professionals. The company is now offering the same functionality using hand-held mobile PCs.

Researchers in the UK have, however stolen a march. When scientists from Oxford University set out to determine whether a system based on automated transfer of data, real time analysis and immediate feedback to the patient could improve glycaemic control for young adults with type 1 diabetes, they adopted the mobile approach.

The substantive difference between their work and others cited in the literature is that, with the help of funding from the charitable Vodafone Foundation, professors Andrew Neil and Lionel Tarassenko were able to conduct randomised clinical trials.

For the first time, the use of mobile telephone technology was proved to have a significantly beneficial effect and resulted in demonstrably improved clinical outcomes.

The system involved in the trials, which has subsequently been made commercially available under the “t+ diabetes” brand, uses a glucose meter linked by Bluetooth to a GPRS-enabled mobile telephone. (GPRS allows a handset to communicate with a remote server without the user having to dial in manually.)

After the patient has taken a reading in accordance with the advice he or she has been given by a GP or practice nurse, they spend around 10 seconds adding essential diary information about diet, exercise and general health via the telephone’s keypad. The system is intuitive and easy to use.

The information, together with the reading, is sent by the handset to a central computer which responds within seconds, providing patients with personalised feedback in easy-to-read graphical format delivered to their mobile’s display.

The number crunching done by the remote computer uses sophisticated algorithms to help negate the effects of occasional rogue readings and deliver a consistently meaningful result to the patient’s mobile.

This presentation here gives the motivation for the need to have a mobile based healthcare system.

  • In the UK there are 17.5 million people with a long-term condition (mainly diabetes, hypertension, asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).
  • Diabetes is the fastest growing disease in the Western world as a result of poor diet and obesity.
  • £5.8 billion is spent per year by the NHS on diabetes and its related complications (2002 figures).
  • Asthma affects 3.7 million adults and 1.5 million children in the UK (70,000 hospital admissions for asthmain 2002).
  • 80% of primary care consultations relate to long-term conditions and patients with such conditions or their complications use over 60% of hospital days.

The key to minimising long-term complications is to empower patients to take more responsibility for the management of their condition.

The economic driver is reduction in unplanned hospital admissions.

Lot of time of healthcare professionals and bed space in the hospitals are wasted for the routine procedures that can be avoided by remote monitoring of the patients

Why Mobile Phones?

  • Equality of care – 90% of UK population owns a mobile phone
  • Real-time feedback, with two-way information flow
  • Communication with remote carer based on shared data
  • Economic model based on reduction in unplanned hospital admissions makes mobile phone solution a financially viable proposition
  • Interactive tool to promote self-managementRegular support from remote nurse (based on real-time data)

What kinds of problems are being looked at:

  • Asthma: 3 published clinical studies, 1 recruiting for Asthma UK
  • COPD: 1 trial at Bristol Royal Infirmary published in Thorax
  • Diabetes Type 1: 1 RCT at OCDEM published in Diabetes Care 4 trials in progress in Dundee, Eire, Dubai and Oxford 2 studies pending with UK NHS and Singhealth in Singapore
  • Diabetes Type 2: 1 published clinical study for Lloyds Pharmacy
  • Cystic Fibrosis: 1 published clinical trial (data submitted to NICE)
  • Cancer: 1 study at Churchill Hospital published in Annals of Oncology
  • Drug Titration: 1 study at Corbeilles-Essonepresented at Alfadiem and 1 trial recruiting in Oxfordshire GP Practices
  • Hypertension: 1 trial recruiting in Oxfordshire GP Practices

You can read more about the tools and applications being developed here and here.

There is also a very good and detailed study of Asthama that can be seen here. There is a diary at the end that shows how readings are entered in the phone, etc.

Thursday 30 April 2009

Speaking at the LTE World Summit 2009

I am going to be speaking in the LTE World Summit 2009 being held in Berlin, Germany from the 18th till the 20th May.

I am speaking at the Breakfast Briefing Session on the 20th morning at 8am. The topic of my speech is "Killer Devices or Killer Apps: Whats the key to success".

If you have any ideas or suggestions that you would like to share with me on the topic then I will be grateful. You can either email me directly (my first name dot my last name at yahoo dot com) or post in the comments section.

If you are coming to the event please feel free to drop an email. I have half a day on Sunday afternoon that I will probably spend looking around in Berlin. Any places in particular I should definitely see?

If you are interested in the details of the conference then you can check the brochure here.

Hoping to hear from many of you.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Forum Oxford Conference 2009

The Forum Oxford Conference 2009 was held on 24th of April. Unfortunately I was unable to attend to report in detail what happened. This conference is close to my heart as its a hotbed for new and innovative ideas.

Here is a collection of blogs, etc. that cover this conference in detail. I will be adding more blogs when I find them:

Presentations from the conference:

Newspaper Articles: