A presentation (embedded below) by 3GPP RAN3 Chairman - Philippe Reininger - at the IoT Business & Technologies Congress (November 30, in Singapore). Main topics are eMTC, NB-IOT and EC-GSM-IoT as completed in 3GPP Release 13 and enhanced in Release 14. Thanks to Eiko Seidel for sharing the presentation.
eNODEB Location in ENM
2 hours ago
can anyone explain why there are 2 different in-band modes of operation for NBiot? In band same vs different PCI - what is the benefit/ use cases for same vs different PCIs?
I posted your question on Twitter, here is the response:
For same-PCI, at least the device can use LTE CRS for channel estimation. From the book => Cellular Internet of Things: Technologies, Standards, and Performance
Thanks but I dont think that answers the Q. Why come up with 2 different inband modes? I am sure there was a specific benefit/use case identified when standardizing...any other input?
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