- Skype currently having 220 million subscribers, they are already the third largest telecoms operator in the world according to subscriber count. They deliver 7 billion minutes of telecoms traffic (between Skype users) and 1.3 billion Skype out minutes. Skype has 4% of all international and long distance traffic worldwide
- Three UK delivered 14.2 million videos via SeeMeTV in 12 months, and also sold 6 million games in the past year. (Aug 2007)
- My Faves in USA, T-Mobile's new user interface/portal and digital community has 3 million subscribers in the USA (Aug 07)
- 3G penetration rates in Italy are already at 29%, Spain and UK are at about 18%. Even the USA is getting well along into 3G, with 13% having migrated to 3G. Between 15% and 29% of phone owners in these countries use picture messaging. Between 3% and 13% consume news on mobile phones. But so far only between 1.9% and 3.3% of phone owners consume mobile social networking services.(M:Metrics Aug 07)
- Admob has served 5 BILLION mobile ads in past 6 months (Sep 07)
- USA mobile phones users who consume VAS services (excluding SMS) 27.5% (IDC December 2006)
- UK phone users who access 11% email; 14% music; 15% ringing tones; 19% internet; 26% gaming; 35% MMS, 85% SMS. (Telephia January 2007)
- Japan 32% of phone users subscriber to games (Wireless World Forum 2006)
- UK (kids age 6-14) download 17% ringing tones; pictures 22%; games 24%; music 25%; and 29% access internet (Intuitive Media Dec 2006)
- USA 19% of internet users access by mobile; UK: 24% of internet users access by mobile (ComScore Metrics Oct 2006)
- USA 40% of mobile phone users have used mobile web services; 10% do so regularly (TNS March)
- Measured in revenues, globally, non-SMS revenues on mobile are worth 31.3 Billion dollars. Out of that, "browsing" delivers 1.9 billion dollars. It is only the 6th largest category according to Informa. Music is worth 8.8 B, infotainment 6.4 B, etc.
- Of Korea's 33m Internet users, 21.3m were fixed-only, 11.0m were fixed+mobile, and 0.5m were mobile-only (Feb 06)
- In CHina, 137m Internet users, of which 17m access via mobile, and 104m via broadband (Dec 06)
- while 29% of European Internet users regularly access the Internet from their mobile phones, only 19% of US users were accessing the web via their mobile devices. The highest mobile Web penetration was in Germany, Italy and the UK (at 34% each), followed by France and Spain, and the US. (eMarketer, Oct 06)
- 5.7m people in the UK used a mobile device to access the internet in January 2007, 19% of the 30m people who accessed the web from a PC. (comScore and Telephia)
- In Japan in June 2007, almost as many people accessed the internet via a mobile device there as through a work or home PC (the exact figures are 53.6 million and 53.7 million respectively). The same report reveals that Japanese mobile users spend on average 8.1 hours a month surfing on their phones.
- Mobile statistics gatherers M:Metrics has just released its latest survey of mobile internet use. And lo and behold, it has found that in both Europe and America, mobile men like to use their handsets to read about… Sports! Meanwhile, M:Metrics found that American ladies’ most popular mobile internet topic was the weather, while European women were more interested in news and entertainment gossip. Vaguely interestingly, while the total numbers of mobile net users in Europe and the US were fairly similar (18 million versus 22 million), the number of American females browsing the net on their mobiles was, proportionally, much higher. The most popular topic among US women (the weather) reached 3.5% of the audience, while in Europe the top item, the news, reached just 1.6%.
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