In an article in Indian Express, the managing director of Vavasi Telegence Farid Arifuddin mentions that they have developed the next-generation wireless access technology called NG1.
This was originally conceptualised as a PhD program in the US. The network
architecture of this technology is state-of-the-art and is based on IP. This
platform can deliver both voice and high-speed mobile data simultaneously with
several applications that have multi-dimensional ramifications. This is the most
spectrum efficient and environment-friendly technology among the available (and
likely to be available) ones. Apart from being spectrum efficient, we have the
unique advantage to enable a large coverage area while we simultaneously cater
to more subscribers within a cell site. These features make it the most
cost-effective solution for the delivery of services.
We earnestly believe that this technology will bring telecom revolution in India, because with the advantages we have in terms of technological superiority, we have a competitive edge and we intend to pass it on to our consumers both in terms of price and product advantages. Since we have a fully IP-based network architecture, with far less infra requirement, rollout time is shorter and can be far more efficient. Moreover, India has not been able to have any significant say in the technological evolution so far. This could bring about a paradigm shift in the long-term evolution of the telecom sector.
Didnt find any more information except that this technology is being developed in China.
Even the official website of Vavasi has very limited information.
Somehow i have a feeling that this is an existing technology being recycled/repackaged as a new technology.
The article seems very vague. Can you please provide more information on where it is targeted? Is it an IMS equivalent?
Seems like this is the Chinese TD-SCDMA technology and nothing more. Simply renamed as NG1.
Thanks KSK. I did smell the rat and i was sure it was not something new but was difficult to track and anyway i was half asleep when i wrote this blog ;)
vavasi does not know what its doing. all plans with no clear implementation. how can they? no frequency yet. even with the frequency, do they have money?
press release company does not make a telco
this article is very confused , could u provide information in detail................
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