Thursday 18 September 2014

Update on Public Safety and Mission Critical communications

Its been a while since I wrote about Public Safety and Mission Critical communications, so here is a quick summary.

Iain Sharp have a good overview of whats happening in the standards in the LTE World Summit back in June. Embedded below is his complete presentation.

There is another slightly older presentation that I also thought was worthwhile adding here.

There is a lot of discussion centred around the use of commercial networks for mission critical communications, mainly die to cost. While this may make sense to an extent, there should be procedures put in place to give priority to public safety in case of emergency.

We are planning to run a one day training in Jan 2015 on public safety. If this is of interest to you then please get in touch with me for more details.

After the post someone brought these links to my attention so I am adding them below:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok but what about the frequency band ?
Does it rely on the traditional PMR frequency plan ? The traditional LTE bands (1800, 2100...) ? In this case, will the end customer have to own the piece of spectrum ?