Came across the C-Mobile website, searching for some information and the site caught my eye.
The strategic objective of C-MOBILE is to foster the evolution of the mobile broadcast business by providing enhancements to the 3GPP MBMS for systems beyond 3G.
Having worked with MBMS for some time and having completed atleast 4 trainings, the topic definitely holds my interest.
C-MOBILE will help to understand how best to organise and schedule MBMS content from the BM-SC through the core network, radio access, to the end users. Since this is multimedia content, interactions with the 3GPP IP Multimedia Subsystem are expected and C-MOBILE will explicitly investigate how best MBMS can make use of capabilities provided by the IMS.
The current concept of group communication is narrow within Release 6 MBMS specification.
C-MOBILE will research, investigate and define ways to use multicast technology to support personalized services and in particular the concept of multicast content community where users also contribute to the multicast service.
Key market and business requirements for multicast-broadcast services will be identified to aid defining research directions, leading also to new business models involving the various players.
To that end it is critical to understand the needs of multicast-broadcast users, network operators, and content providers.
The project intends to make important contributions to the standardisation bodies and to prove experimentally or via system level simulations innovative concepts.
There are no high profile names with C-mobile yet but there is Qualcomm and 3 UK in the participants list.
Some documents of interest are available here.
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