Winners of the first World Vendor Awards were revealed during a dinner at the UnderGlobe in London on the 5 May 2010.
Outstanding Vendor of the Year
Open to
All hardware and software vendors and OEMs who are able to demonstrate organisational scale, strategy and procedures of a truly global standard.
About this category
The winner in this category will demonstrate outstanding innovation backed by quality of service, reliability, and sales support. It is most likely that the winner will offer a strong portfolio of products and solutions, and will be able to demonstrate evidence of strong and disciplined management providing a sound business footing, and strategic direction and future scope for development of the company.
Entrants for Outstanding Vendor will be judged on the degree to which they fulfil the following conditions:
Address customer needs in terms of quality, reliability and customer service
Provide strong and innovative product and/or solution offerings
Show sound management, clear strategic direction and strong performance
Demonstrate revenue generation/growth.
What features make your operation stand out from the competition? How have you responded to customer and/or market changes?
Winner: Huawei Technologies
Other Nominees:
Intec Telecoms Systems
Highly Commended: Juniper Networks
Oracle Communications
Best Specialist Vendor
Open to
All hardware and software vendors and OEMs specialising in provision of a particular product, solution or group of solutions. The Best Specialist Vendor may be a division of a larger company, but must be able to demonstrate their autonomy as a specialist in their own right.
About this category
The winner in this category will demonstrate how their products and solutions address the needs of a specific part of the telecom market and how their foresight and innovation is improving business for their customers.
The winning company must have been offering commercially available products prior to the closing date for the award entries. The judges will be looking for evidence of:
How easy it is to implement and customer ?
What are the benefits to the users
Value for money
Features that stand out from competitors
Evidence of customer satisfaction e.g. testimonials
Winner: ip.access
Highly Commended: Ipanema Technologies
Other Nominees:
Best Mobile Device
Open to
Manufacturers and vendors of all mobile devices, including but not limited to handsets, PDA’s, and netbooks.
About this category
The judges will be looking for the device that has in their opinion best combined innovation and usability to create a mobile device that provides the greatest benefit to the intended users, whether business or consumer.
The device must have been commercially available prior to the closing date for the award entries
The judges will be looking for evidence of:
How easy is it to use and implement?
What are the benefits to the users
Value for money
Evidence of customer satisfaction e.g. testimonials
Winner: Apple iPhone/ iPhone 3G
Other Nominees:
BlackBerry BOLD
HTC Hero
Motorola DROID
Nokia E71
Best Brand Campaign
Open to
All hardware and software vendors, OEM’s, device manufacturers, outsourcing companies, systems integrators.
About this category
This category will recognise the organisation that has created the most effective and compelling brand campaign for its products or services in one or more branches of the media. This may be through a single campaign or series of campaigns. Only in this category can supporting material be accepted, in the form of printed or audio/visual material from the campaign, for review by the judging panel. Please email supporting material to vendorawards@totaltele.com.
The campaign must have run or be running during the calendar year 2009.
Entrants should provide details of:
Reason for the campaign(s)
The rationale behind choice of media, company or service name/ slogan, etc
Scope and target audience
Stated business objectives behind the campaign
Raised brand awareness and positive impact on market share, valuation or bottom line.
Winner: Juniper Networks
Best Outsourcing Initiative
Open to
This category is open both to dedicated outsourcing companies and to vendors, consultants and integrators running outsourcing initiatives.
About this category
It covers all forms of outsourcing initiative, including BPO, IT outsourcing and network outsourcing, and the winner will be the organisation that can demonstrate an initiative best delivering its planned benefits, whether these be cost saving, skill improvement, or resource release. The judges will be particularly looking for evidence of innovation that has delivered tangible benefits.
The campaign must have been initiated or have delivered its first measurable results during calendar year 2009. In addition to evidence of innovation, judges will seek to understand what the key project objectives were, how successfully the project was implemented and how success is being measured. Credit will be given for being able to supply independent testimonials supporting project success or process improvement.
Winner: Comviva Technologies
Other Nominees:
Firstsource Solutions
Huawei Technologies
Infosys BPO
Clean Technology Initiative
Open to
All Vendors, OEMs, integrators and consultants
About this category
This category seeks to reward the company that has best reduced the environmental impact of telecommunication services through its products and solutions or utilisation of products and solutions. The judges will be seeking evidence of eco-friendly products, innovations, and specific programmes or initiatives.
Entrants should be able to demonstrate:
Evidence improved energy efficiency, alternative energy sources, recycling, conservation, manufacturing and logistics cost reduction and eco-friendly consumption.
A measurable programme, delivering against and reaching set targets for improvement.
Future plans to continue to address corporate, social & environmental issues
How your clean technology programme has benefited stakeholders including customers/end users, employees, and the wider public.
Winner: Eltek Valere
Other Nominees:
Huawei Technologies
Technology Foresight
Open to
All equipment vendors, OEM’s and developers of software solutions, as well as outsourcing companies and integrators that have deployed or trialled a new technology by an operator, service provider, or enterprise telecom customer.
About this category
This award will go to the individual or organisation that has shown the greatest foresight in developing or fostering the development of a technology used or able to be used in delivering or receiving communications services via carrier networks.
Entrants should be able to demonstrate:
The development of a technology with potential for far reaching effect on business or consumer markets
That the technology and/or its application are the original work of the entrant, and that they are not simply implementing another company’s technology.
That it represents an innovative approach to an existing aspect of communications networks or services, or opens up an entirely new area
That the technology works and has potential in a commercial environment.
What revenues do you expect your technology to produce? How do you intend to grow revenues and/or business from your technology or product over the next three years?
Winner: SpiderCloud Wireless
Highly Commended: Huawei Technologies
Other Nominees:
Juniper Networks
Evolving Systems
ECI Telecom
Best Software Solution
Open to
Software vendors and developers, as well as integrators providing software solutions.
About this category
The judges will be looking for an organisation that is providing or utilising a predominantly software driven solution. This could be in any part of the telecom sphere, including using software in place of hardware upgrades, or a traditionally software driven solution such as billing, network management etc.
Entrants should be able to demonstrate why their solution is the most appropriate for the problem addressed, the commercial performance/cost savings brought by the solution, and highlight innovations brought to the sector. Customer testimonials should illustrate the degree of satisfaction delivered by the solution.
Winner: Comviva Technologies
Other nominees:
cVidya Networks
Juniper Networks
Nokia Siemens Networks
Technologist of the Year
This will be a public vote looking for the CTO, IT Director or senior technology leader of a telecom software or hardware vendor who has demonstrated outstanding vision in driving forward the organisations product and solution offerings, innovations and realising the potential to turn research into commercially successful products.
The Total Telecom team will seek nominations from the industry of senior technology leaders who are perceived as driving change, innovation and success in the industry, as a shortlist of which will be put to the public vote.
Winner: Thierry Klein, Founder and CTO, Alzette Venture Alcatel Lucent
Other Nominees:
Rupert Baines, VP Marketing, picoChip
Ajay Bhatt, Architect, Intel
Mike Lazaridis, Co-CEO, RIM
Antonio Nucci, CTO Narus, Inc.
Best Support System
Open to
All vendors of support systems, including, but not limited to Operations Support Systems (OSS) and Business Support Systems (BSS)
About this category
The judges will be looking for the support system that has created the greatest service improvement, cost saving, or enabled the greatest increase in business income. They will be seeking product innovation, ease of use and application, and delivery of customer satisfaction.
The support system should have been in operation during 2009 and the entrant should be able to demonstrate
How has your product or application improved customer satisfaction levels?
Provide evidence of improved customer acquisition or retention levels?
That the solution is simple to operate and easy to understand with good customer training and support
That the solution is scalable and flexible, that it can cater for new service delivery platforms, service combinations and business models.
Winner: Comptel Corporation
Highly Commended: Aito Technologies
Other Nominees:
Martin Dawes Systems
Sigma Systems
More about the World Vendor Awards here.
1 comment:
Where is my favorite vendor Cisco??
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